BYC Café

Yay! Taxes are done.
When you will be getting 100% of the taxes you paid refunded to you for a few years you get them done ASAP. They can't be submitted until Monday but they are all queued up and ready to go.
Still waiting on a couple of forms, and then I'll be making the tax appointment. I'll be really glad to get this done!
Mine is pretty good, but trouble comes and goes.

More Bad News: the auxiliary run, which is pretty much in accessible in winter so didn't get cleared after the snowmageddon has a failed rafter. The peak actually inverted. Mesh appears to be intact tho so run is still usable/secure. Will have to look closer later.
Well, that’s unfortunate. Something similar happened to my first coop… the snow exacerbated damage done by a falling tree.
Yay! Taxes are done.
When you will be getting 100% of the taxes you paid refunded to you for a few years you get them done ASAP. They can't be submitted until Monday but they are all queued up and ready to go.
I’m dreading taxes this year. It’s significantly more complex than average for me.
Rollercoaster of a day.
Bad News: Water heater went kaput, pilot light out.
Good News: It just needed to have the air intake grate cleaned and is working again.

But yeah, aux run in bad shape and no longer secure.
I used to use it for new chicks every year, but the last few years it only gets used during very hot weather as an afternoon respite. Hard to see, pic taken from inside main run.
I also have to do our taxes, seems to get more difficult every year 🙄 we have to do them online now for the last couple of years, NOT my thing 😓 I’m a paper person 😬 thank God my son works for the IRS, he usually helps me out, but… they have a kid and the 2. one is expected in June, so he doesn’t have any downtime anymore , and this year I’ve got to do them soon cos I’ll be stuck in the hospital/rehabilitation clinic in a few months …I usually do them in May, where I’ll be away this year

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