BYC Café

Funny! I ws texting DH from work today, telling him I wanted pancakes and scrambled eggs for dinner tonight! And only real maple syrup will uncle is boiling sap,right now to make more!:)

Otherwise I am glad it is Friday, although tomorrow is supposed to be cold and wet.
Hey guys, look what I caught!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   :hugs

Oh Margie, how awful.  My sincere condolences to everyone involved.  I lost a dear friend to suicide many years ago and the shock takes a long time to overcome.   I hope that your kids come to understand in time that their friend lived a life which must be celebrated, and that he should not be remembered for this one final act.  Sending thoughts and healing your way.

So it's Saturday here - a day to catch up on all the jobs which didn't get done during the week.  The chook house is pretty feral so that needs a clean, as does OUR house  :D   Promised hubby I would make some pancakes for breakfast too - well, he has been rather tolerant of my mood swings lately  :p   How do you all eat your pancakes?   We put lemon juice and sugar on ours but some people do the weirdest things!

Wishing you all a lovely weekend,


I usually eat my pancakes with a homemade coconut syrup :drool or regular store bought syrup.
Good morning, all.

I am intrigued with lemon juice and sugar. Now I have to try that and the coconut syrup.
I am a pancake purest, but some times I use honey.

Waffles have to have something to fill up the waffled part, but pancakes I eat plain most of the time.

Maybe we'll do pancakes for tomorrow's breakfast.
I spent last night wondering about lemon juice and honey and now I have all day to think about coconut syrup.

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