BYC Café

So sorry.

Thank you all for your support. I guess it's one of those things where the lows are hopefully offset by a high later down the track.

I have spoken to the clinic this afternoon and my Doctor is going to do a consult tomorrow about where we go from here. They said that the quality of my egg was poor, and the fact that I did not respond to the pre-meds as they would have anticipated is also a concern. I think they expected more than one egg to form to start with, but I disappointed them in that regard. I believe my age is the primary factor that is working against me.

So maybe they will suggest an alternative drug regime, or higher doses, or give up altogether. Apparently egg donation is a possibility but I have no-one to ask that favour of. The list for an anonymous donation is several years long. I am hoping and praying that an alternative drug therapy can be found that will enable us to have the baby I so dearly want.

I am very sad. I guess this is a combination of the disappointment (especially as I tried to remain positive throughout - perhaps I built myself up too much) and also the drugs I was on. I am trying to keep busy to keep my mind off it. I worked on the farm this morning. I painted my nails after that. I am on the computer a bit, and am about to head out an clean the chicken coop. I have a broody Orpington to tend to today. The irony of setting up a cage to bust my broody hen in is not lost on me. It makes me feel terribly guilty.

Thank you all for your support and your sympathy. I know this is far from the chicken-related thread Trib set up, but your continued concern is helping me through one of hardest and most emotional times of my life. I am eternally grateful to you for your kind comments, your positivity, your personal messages and your thoughts.

Krista x
It is a people thread. Chickens don't drink coffee..

I feel badly for you. When it took us forever and I had given up on the idea of having a kid, It seemed like every time an acquaintance sneezed, the were having another kid.

Then it seemed like every female relative who already had called it quits got pregnant and were devastated that they were having another.
I had to bite my tongue and be supportive.

You have us.
Vent- cry- fume.
I understand.

You are a loving home for a child and a child will find your home, one way or another.
Keep your options open.
I know I just joined but my heart truly does ache for you. But staying busy and finding the positives of each day while it doesn't 'fix' the situation, it definitely will help your mind and heart to work through it all.

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