BYC Café

Well, I am starting in on a cup or two. Then I am taking my son and his friend to wrestling practice and filling up the paintball CO2 canisters and probably picking up a few more gallons of milk before heading back up the hill and processing a mean quail roo. That is the short list as I am still asleep. We actually had a rain storm late last evening, first one of the year.
Happy Palm Sunday, for those of you that observe. Drinking coffee and looking at the snow that arrived this week and still hasn't left! Dogs are wore out from yesterday, one of them got a bath after rolling in something dead...oh joy!

DH is out cutting more firewood. Then it is off to town to get supplies, celebrating Dad birthday tonight.

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Good afternoon everyone

* Krista drags up a chair, orders a strong black coffee and a slice of cake *

A busy morning this morning, catching up on all the housework that didn't get done yesterday as planned. Instead, I worked on the farm and played with the cows all day.

It's amazing how on a farm, new jobs just keep adding themselves to the list.

For example, we went yesterday simply to run six cows through the dairy so that they could get their lead feed - special minerals in the lead up to calving.

While we were there, one of them snapped a gate in half, which then needed welding back together. Then the vacuum pump blew three v-belts which had to be replaced immediately. Then two cows went down with milk fever and had to be treated intravenously, and one got stuck calving, which had to be pulled.

Next a heifer jumped a fence and joined the milking herd two months too early, and she had to be separated and sent packing to the maternity ward where she belonged. Then not one, but TWO calves decided to play hide and seek, and it took an hour to find them both!

The work just kept piling up! Anyway, I'm home today, and the housework is now done, and I have the afternoon off. Praise be - it's the first day off I've had since my hospital visit and I'm exhausted! If it's true that there is no rest for the wicked, I must have been very, very bad!

- Krista

Nope, not wicked. Just farmin'.


Nope, not wicked. Just farmin'.


LOL, That is it to a "T." I must show that picture to hubby.

(I swear, that cow had something to do with that poor horse's predicament!)

In some good news (it had to happen eventually, lol) I just got a phone call from my clinic. They have offered to reimburse all of my medical expenses to date, as we did not make it to the 'embryo implantation' stage of the IVF cycle.

I think this is very good of them to do, especially considering (a) They certainly don't have to and (b) We do not have much expendable income.

I am hoping that this will allow us the possibility of trying again, and that this is not their way of lowering the boom on me. I feel like I should expect another call shortly saying "There's nothing we can do for you...."

- Krista
Here we go again folks!   

The clinic just rang again and have offered us another round of IVF.   :woot

I believe in the power of positive thinking, so please do keep us in your thoughts and send all the positive vibes you can.

I'll keep you posted!

- Krista

That is great news! Maybe the first try was just a practice run and it will work out this time?:D

Sending good thoughts your way!


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