BYC Café

Krista, you might mess up the deal with Company X if you tell company Z, however, If company Z is more comfortable to work with and you might get a 'we like you please stay" raise...I think I would do what Scott suggested.
Besides, covert stuff comes back to bite you.

WVduckchick: the monkeys were put on a dredged island in the middle of the river. Back then there were no regulations and you could tear up nature as you wished.
They did not figure that the monkeys could swim. But they could. So much for research.
Apparently that was not required back then either.

Enjoy your time with your husband!
Mine went to visit his parents last weekend. I bumped around the house absolutely out of sorts. I should have taken advantage of the situation and moved all his stuff and cleaned it, but all I did differently was have popcorn for dinner.

Mtn Margie: I hope your boy is better. Nothing is worse than a sick kid.
Oy, the worry.
Good morning all  :frow

You know, over the last 2 days I have done 10 hours driving all up.  It really takes it out of you!  I had work yesterday, which is a two hour drive there and back.  I normally work from home, but one day a week I head off to the office to pick up fresh work and drop off the completed stuff I've done.  Anyway, work went well, but there was a big awkward moment at the end of it. 

When I first started working I was employed by a firm we shall henceforth refer to as Company X.  The Manager of Company X decided to sell his business to Company Z, and as a part of the deal he would stay on as the Financial Planner for the business, but Company Z would retain all of the Accounting clients.  It was almost like a merger, until Manager X started challenging Manager Z's authority.  He packed up his bat and ball and relocated to a separate building, where he established his Financial Planning Business.  Company Z (where I work) continued on with all the accounting clients.  So the end result was more like a take-over and quite hostile, lol.

Anywho..... the two Companies have some mutual clients, so there is still discussion between the two businesses on a regular basis.  Yesterday I went to visit Manager X to do just that, and while I was there he tried to poach me from Company Z!   He knows me well - I worked with him for nearly 10 years prior to the 'merger', and he offered me $20K a year on top of what Company Z are paying me, as well as fuel reimbursement.   I feel nothing but supremely awkward about it.   Don't get me wrong - an extra $20K would be a HUGE deal to us.  But I love the people at Company Z, and the professional atmosphere as well.   I told him I was not in a place where I could make any big decisions right now, and that I had some personal issues I needed to deal with over the coming months.  He said "That's fine.  Just know that when you want to have that conversation, I'm ready."

Just what I needed right now.  More stress!    :barnie

Oh well, moving on......

VWduckchick - Very cute little turkey.  I must admit, I know nothing about turkeys.  Do you still call her a 'chick' or is that term reserved for chickens?  Either way, she is just gorgeous.  I'm very partial to the babies!

3goodeggs - Kayaking sounds like fun, but I don't know if I could 'man up' and do it myself.  I am a non-swimmer, so the idea of being out on the water terrifies me.  I think I am quite unusual in not being able to swim.  All of my friends could when I was at school.  My parents never took us kids to the pool though, and as a result none of the 4 of us can swim.

Terrysgirl -  The injections don't bother me much, but only because I get hubby to administer them.  I can inject cows, cats, dogs - you name it.   But there is something inherently wrong about needing to jab yourself!  Hubby is quite good at them though, so they don't hurt too much.    

Mtn Margie - I love growly broody hens.  They are just beautiful to me!  My broodies tend to make a big fanfare when I go near them, but once I started petting them they just melt, and turn into big sooks!

Today I have a home day, until about 2pm when I am heading out for a hair appointment.  Yay - another 2 hours driving!  In the mean time, I have a house that looks like a bomb has hit it, and a chook house which looks just as bad.  Lots of cleaning for me today!

Have a great day all!

- Krista x

:hugs Sounds like somebody needs a relaxing day at the spa Krista. ;)
It was great! lunch is always better wedged between cypress knees.
The State has recently taken over Silver Springs. You can launch you kayaks from their parking lot go down river and paddle back up to the spring head.
the 3 miles down river with the wind at our back was much easier than the three miles up river against the wind. My arms are all owie and the coffee cup is too heavy. I might need a straw.

Oh! There was a mom and dad wood duck pair with their brand new fuzzy faced brood. they must have just hatched. There were about ten of them. I figure between the turtles gators and bass they will be down to only a few by this evening.

And I saw this bird for the first time in my life. and I have always lived here
 River warbler.
He was very friendly and curious. I assume we must have been eating lunch near it's nest.


And some of the monkeys were hanging out  in some branches low to the water. They lean back and watch the people paddle by, just chillin'.
The Monkeys were left overs from when they filmed Tarzan  there,

Very pretty bird!
Good morning! No snow yet.... I still hear at least one peep but it is staying warm. My little guy came down with a nasty painful stomach bug yesterday and I thought we might be looking at a case of appendicitis, so I kept checking on him every couple of hours. He is doing much better this am, just sore and resting and drinking water. Phew, hate it when the kids really get that sick. I am lucky that they rarely do; maybe a handful of "high alerts" in 24 years, yes very lucky, but the broken bones have been countless....

Anyway, I can tell it is going to be a coffee kind of day and I think the wood stove should be fired up, bread baked and maybe some soup is in order as well.

Enjoy the day! (Snooze well Krista!)
how is he doing today?
He is much better and off to school, thankfully. That was a strange stomach flu for sure, if indeed that is what it was. 7 inches of snow and sunny. Psycho Broody had one peep that did not make it and I do not know what else is going on because she has not left the nest yet. I don't dare bother her because it is still hatching time if Wed. was the first day and it was 19 degrees out there this am. So, I guess I will just have to be patient and see if she has any more that hatch. Hoping......
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Morning! Still very cold, low 20's. Psycho Broody left the nest sometime yesterday afternoon so I think there is at least one chick still around. I spotted another chick that did not make it and I have not cleaned the nest yet. I will do that today when the temps get above freezing.
Other than chicken chores, nothing is planned for the day! How wonderful! I think a hike is in order and of course, coffee intake. It is nice not to have a must do list and just go with the flow so to speak. Enjoy!
Morning! Still very cold, low 20's. Psycho Broody left the nest sometime yesterday afternoon so I think there is at least one chick still around. I spotted another chick that did not make it and I have not cleaned the nest yet. I will do that today when the temps get above freezing.
Other than chicken chores, nothing is planned for the day! How wonderful! I think a hike is in order and of course, coffee intake. It is nice not to have a must do list and just go with the flow so to speak. Enjoy!
Have a nice "go with the flow" day!
How do they know when to call it quits?
I have never done the chick thing.

The Momma hen will leave the nest around 24-48 hours after the first chick has hatched. She does this because she instinctively knows that her babies need to be taught how to eat and drink, and she is the only one who can show them how to do that. She will abandon any unhatched eggs at that point. Some hens will return to the nest after feeding their babies, but normally at that point she is done with hatching and is now in full blown Momma-mode.

- Krista

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