BYC Café

Well, ya know, some of us have, um, issues with caffeine, so it's a case of back away from the brew or (shudder!) decaf.

Herbal tea, anyone?

Sour, I think "white noise" is supposed to be soothing. While frog song might drown out anything else that might disturb one's slumbers, I find it hard to believe that anything registering 74 dB could soothe - except, perhaps, as a massage?
That's the reading that my son got on the frogs around our "redneck pond" last year, and that's without the contribution of the bullfrogs in the fish pond out front!

Finally getting a chance to breathe a bit again. The Easter bunny visits are over (the rabbits let me down this year; fortunately, we had lots of chicks as a backup plan, and of course, Blondie the Easter Pony). BB2K's Theater class had a performance last night, and while the cast weren't quite in casts ("break a leg," - get it?) they certainly knocked 'em dead!
Kinda still windy.... snow cloud....

This is what it does to the trees on the ridges.....

So I am baking bread to go with the lamb stew tonight!

Pretty country Margie! You have a lot more trees than we do, although the wind did manage to knock down one of the old trees on the golf course (we found it coming in yesterday morning). We also found out there aren't enough trees around for anyone to have a big wood chipper for rent.

Morning Cafe!

TK, make mine a double dose of caffeine please. This will be my first morning to tackle making burger buns with the giant commercial mixer just delivered to the club house kitchen and I'm going to need the extra oomph just to heft the bowl part of it.

Have a good day all!
Double shots for everyone.

Morning folks

I don't know about those 'Double shots' TK, I can get silly enough without drinking this early in the day.
I'll stick to the strong pot-o-coffee for now, if ya'll don't mind.
Have a good day everybody!

I'm with Scott - unless they are double shots of Espresso. Good morning, Café.
Morning! I was figuring TK was talking expresso.... doesn't take much to get you guys thinking about partying, does it?!
Have fun with the big machine NFC. I bet that could make a whole mess of cinnamon rolls to go with the double shots!
Anyway, the lamb stew was a hit! DS$ had one second of wondering who he was having for dinner and then after tasting, his little eyes bugged and he said," Wow! Mittens or Tank tastes great!"
End of story. Now he is totally proud and so is the DH for that matter, to show off the homegrown goodies. I still find it kinda funny that the ones left are the ones that we never nicknamed.
The meat is very, very, very mild tasting, incredibly so. Way better than any lamb I have ever had.

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