BYC Café

This tom turkey is trying to attract the ladies attention and they just don't care about him at all and it's hilarious.


Wow, slow morning. Got the coffee brewing, and the hot water should be ready soon.

Rainy and a bit cool this morning, and it looks like I might as well get used to it; there's a 60% to 100% chance of rain for the next three days. Ah, well, it's a change.
Thanks for the coffee Bunnylady! Clear and sunny for today with a high around 80. Wind tomorrow, then should be cooler next week. Tiny chance of thundershowers off and on during the week, but I think it's more like wishful thinking.

Trying to decide whether to gamble on putting plants in the ground. They say to wait for Mothers Day, but I really need the flats to start more stuff.

Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday!
Morning folks.
Coffee and tea are on.

Dark, clear, and 53 this morning.

Had our first serious harvest from the garden this weekend.
35 pickling cukes
15 crystal apple cukes
A full Walmart bag of dragons tongue green beans.
Good morning Cafe!

TK, nice harvest from the garden.

Scott, you could send some of that wet weather our way, we're dry.

Have a good day everyone!
dragon's tooth green bean......


crystal apple cukes


then the boston pickling cukes are pretty normal looking........

the purple cooks out of the green beans, which is kind of a

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