BYC Café

My hubby does not want a funeral service.

He is going to be cremated, and has ask for me to throw a big party like an Irish Wake which I will do.

I'll have the party in an area he loved.
I was my aunt’s executor when she passed away. She had donated her body to science and didn’t want a funeral or memorial of any kind. I did, however, have a gathering in the church basement - bars and coffee and a chance to tell stories, visit, whatever. I didn’t get a chance to proofread the obit that the pastor wrote before it was printed. I just wonder where her head was when we had talked about it, because the information I gave was so twisted and confused, I wasn’t even sure it was for my aunt. One of her friends called me and tried to insist that I have a “proper funeral” upstairs in the sanctuary of the church. I told her that Auntie didn’t even want me to do as much as I was doing, and I wasn’t going to do any more. When Auntie’s ashes were returned to me 18 months after her death, she sat on the hutch I inherited from her until I was able to make arrangements to bury her at Ft. Snelling with my uncle. My mom, sons and their families and DH and I were the only ones in attendance for that.
Coffee is ready.

I slept last night.

The kids wrote Dave's obit. It was awful. No real story of who he was, no details of what he loved and they didn't even get his age correct. They wrote he was 71. He was 70.
That’s too bad. You’re right, though - those who knew him know who he was, and they now know that the kids didn’t.
Frosty in the teens again this morning....but sunny and 40 later.

An old friend of mine drove down from Syracuse yesterday to have lunch with me. It was nice seeing her. Didn't do much more than that though.
Good for you to get a bit of a break with a good friend.
Good morning and thanks for the hot coffee!
Yep, Sally aced it! Pretty much anything under 70mph is a breeze around here.
Good to have you stop by, Sean!
We are off to have dinner with DS@ and family to celebrate my DIL's BDay.
Tres Leches cake is her favorite! That ought to get the little one spinning out, lol.
Enjoy the day, Cafe!

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