BYC Café

Coffee is ready.

We are up on deck for a warm sunny day. I think I'll take a half day to get some shopping done and take the girls out for a nice long run some place new. Maybe back to Oakley Corners state land and hike at a better pace than I did when I went with M&S.
Good morning, thanks for the coffee a gloomy 39 here sorry for not being here yesterday was very busy.
As you know we have a flea market, and at our flea market we sell a friends tumblers he sells. We were chatting and I told him we were thing of buying a freeze dryer, but we would wait till our jeep would be paid off which is in two more months. Well he went and bought one for us and we will pay him back, he also wanted us to start a freeze dried candy business. Well him and his wife are leaving for Carlisle, PA. this morning and wanted to take some with them. So I was up till midnight on Wednesday. and up at 4am yesterday, did sleep like a rock last night.
Side note we have 2 more payments on the jeep, went to start her and looks like we need a new battery LOL!
Good morning and thanks for the coffee!
DH and I went and got some of the wood and it just so happened that the VFD was there so they helped load the truck and put some rather large and heavy pieces of wood on. We moved the cutting rack a foot away from the tailgate and moved the splitter close to that and it all seems to be working well. It was good to be doing something outdoorsy.
Sunday we have a surprise B-Day bowling party to go to for my SIL. That should be fun! One of her daughters is even flying in from CA.
Enjoy the day, Cafe!

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