BYC members in Massachusetts?

Looks like I am joining here...
Western MA, no birds yet, but I've ordered 10 layers to arrive early May.

Australorp, Buckeye, Orpington, Wyandotte.

I'll also be ordering red rangers for meat shortly. 12 for starters this year.

Next year I'd like to bring in tick-loving guinea fowl as well.
I'm western MA as well! Australorp are beautiful, friendly birds!
Australorps are what I am looking for now.
I want to replace 2 of the 4 birds I have now and add 4 Australorps.
I just need to decide which 2 to get rid of, I have 2 Columbian Wydonettes and 2 production red all almost a year old
Hey all, I hope everyone is staying safe in this lovely weather today. I started a thread today following months of researching and looking around for where I could locate some chickens locally. I figured I would share the link here and see if we can't get some content into that thread and share some knowledge and promote some local business. If anyone would like to add or refer people to the below thread on Breeder/Hatcheries in New England, I would appreciate it. I just had a real difficult time trying to find people in the area and was hopeful of compiling a resource for people looking to keep their business local or looking for specialized breeds in the region. Thank you!
Hi! I had a very successful first hatch and have 5 pure black Ameraucana chicks available. Please let me know if you know anyone who would be interested. Thanks! Amy
I'm in Haverhill, MA
Hope everyone is staying in today ! Remember that the Temperature is DROPPING today, to the high 20's for me.

I have already been out to fix the run netting because this is WET snow.
Maybe later when it gets colder it will be light but NOT NOW !
FYI !!
I shoveled so that the bottom layer doesn't turn to 1 " of ice under a foot of snow.
It sticks to the shovel.
I think I will run out and do the "bottom bump" at the end of the driveway Every time the plow goes by just to keep up !!

So, as a suggestion, go out and shovel VERY OFTEN to keep up with this.
It is definitely heavy and wet, but at least it isn't anywhere near as pasty as that stuff last week. That was horrible. I've never seen such devastating, widespread tree damage. Poor plow guys have to work around the piles still littering the sides of all the roads.

Don't forget to top off poultry waterers too in case the power goes out. It could be a while before it comes back on again. Fingers crossed we don't go dark again here, but already 20% of the town is out. I didn't even bother to put the coolers away after the last storm.

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