BYC members in Massachusetts?

Hi Everyone - I am in Stoughton MA - I am so glad I just saw this thread. I am happy to see that there are others out there in MA. If anyone knows of a Serama hen for sale - I am hoping to find one asap. I just adopted one, and she really needs a friend. Anyone ever needs a hand - give me a shout!
Hi All!

I'm from Attleboro. We just got out 8 chickens this summer. It was quite an ordeal at first. We were given 7 chickens, but 6 turned out to be roosters. So we returned 5 of them and kept a rooster and a hen. Then we went on Craigslist and found someone selling pullets in Rehobeth. We bought 6. Now we have a rooster and 7 hens. Only one hen (the oldest) is laying eggs at the moment. I expect the other 6 to start in January.

In the meantime, with the help of the wealth of information here, we have been preparing for the winter. Making sure we have adequate ventilation (added a ridge vent), blocked drafts (automatic door), and provided a nice run area for the flock (dust bath tire and tarp covered run). By the time we are done, I think I'll move into the chicken coop... they have it better than we do!

Hey DrewsChicks, I am a midcape res. also, and new to all this. Welcome to the site, and hope to hear more from you!
so, I am thinking that one of my three hens, may be a rooster.... She seems to be trying to crow in the morning.... any thoughts on when or how you can tell if a hen is really a rooster??
so, I am thinking that one of my three hens, may be a rooster.... She seems to be trying to crow in the morning.... any thoughts on when or how you can tell if a hen is really a rooster??
My roosters start acting like a rooster at 3-4 months. BY 4 months you can easily see the neck feathers are long and thin, whereas girls are round at the end. Look for glossy very shiny feathers as well. Some variability of course, but that is the basics that I see in my roosters.
My buff brahma had all the markings of a rooster but has not crowed until this month and the were hatch in April I have a silver spangle hamburg that has been crowing awhile now. My parents were convince he was a hen but I knew better. He has beautiful saddle feathers and the one I have always been sure she was a hen had solid colors instead of markings
Thanks for the tips, I will check out the feathers.... today, she was acting like a hen and not trying to crow... they are just about 4 months old now.

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