BYC Poo Page - Warning, Pictures

clostridium maybe? Also kinda looks like kidney/organ failure poops I have seen online too.

Not clostridium, but you're very close with organ failure. Necropsy said ascites due to heart defect. My next hint would have been that it was not treatable.

Should probably stop eating toast while reading this...

Nah!! You should be a nurse - we do it all the time
That's a problem? You should have just eaten chilli con carne....yum! yum! I am not squeamish unless it is my body being subjected to pain and the knife!
Not me, lol, it eat while I do them! Just kidding, I wait 'til I'm done.

I'm new to chickens but I've had too many different animals to be squeamish about bodily fluids or bodies anymore....or needles...or medicating pets (fish mostly) Rats are amazing pets but holy do they ever have a plethora of health issues.

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