BYC Poo Page - Warning, Pictures

Have you tried Praziquantel yet?


I find it for dogs only, pills for 10 kg weight. not suitable for chickens. too expensive as well. human vermox works well but does not prevent future infestations. I think praziquantel would do the same. where I live we have wild birds, mice, rats, slugs, ants, etc. my chickens are in their runs all day long.

that's why I give them cayenne and black pepper between worming.
What about black and white poop in a chick? No Picture available, very concerned. Banty chick, two others have died while acting the same way but this one was acting much better earlier, still lethargic and kind of weak but has gotten stronger, last one left :( we're fine until they appeared to have been getting wet so I took this last one out from the others for good. On regular medicated chick feed from feed store, drinking well water, I got a few drops of yogurt water mix down him and he's been in front of the heater! He's trying to eat a little as we speak!
Pretty normal:


Note the size (diameter) of the poop. To me it looks like the intestines are inflamed and not allowing the poop to flow through properly. It also appears to have too much mucus, and maybe a little blood.

Foamy cecal poop - probable coccidiosis, so treated with Baycox and Corid and this chick recovered.


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