!! BYC Recognition Awards ~ January-March 2013 WINNERS ANNOUNCED !!

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Thanks Lothiriel, i looked but just could not find it, guess it has been there a while LOL last contest i won was a while back LOL
We’ve LOVED handing out these awards to our wonderful community. We’ve found that we’ve needed to make a few adjustments to the program to help things run smoother and so the Awards Committee can keep up. This being the case, we have decided to do the awards quarterly instead of monthly. That means that every 3 months a bigger group of members will get badges. This will also allow us to build up more time to promote the nominations between awarding.

Members will still only be allowed to submit 3 nominations per month, but by the time we announce the awards, you will have been able to nominate 9 people. So the next awards ceremony will be held the last day of September and will be all nominations from July 1st through September 30th.
OK, my memory might be off. (OK it's likely)

The 3 nominations are 1 each Friend, Spirit, Educator; each month correct?
Is there a limit on Greeter nominations? I seem to recall there is not a limit on nominating members for a Greeter award.


I'd like to know too. I can't decide who to nominate. And this 3 month wait is too long, I've gone and forgot who I nominated in July
But "Good luck" whoever you are
Where is the form for nomination? I have someone in my local state thread who needs to get one of each badge. I am shocked she doesn't have even one. Thank you.
It's not about friends. It's about contribution. If you work hard at it and earn it we'll nominate you for one. Go look at the spreadsheet and see what's required. Good luck!
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