BYC Spinning Fiber

If you have a chance to try out a Kromski Sonata, go for it! Even though it is a double treadle, it treadles like butter. I often treadle my Sonata using only one treadle. When I was looking for a production wheel (that folded for travel), I tried so many brands. I've owned a couple of Ashfords and still have an Ashford Traveller (DT, DD with optional Scotch tension) that I still have for my plying wheel (using the jumbo bobbin set up). I loved the Louet until I tried out the Kromski Sonata and there was no looking back. After spinning on the Sonata for a bit, I went back to the Louet and the treadling on the Louet was like stomping on the treadle instead of an easy, smooth motion I had on the Sonata.
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Well, sheesh! The Kromski Sonata is practically double the price of the Louet S17. I can see how easily this becomes an addiction, though. I want to devote our new den to our arts. I'd like to set up a wall of my yarns/fibers/spinning and have my DBF set up his painting studio in there. It would be nice to have a few spinning wheels on my side of the room.

I was on YouTube and looking at people spinning using a great wheel. That looks like fun as well. I hope I can afford to buy a wheel before we move so I can bring it with me and start right away.

That's one purrrrdy wheel.

We were on our way back from picking up some meds for our horse and we happened to be near my yarn/spinning store. My DBF says "Hey, we're right next to your yarn store. Want to go?" and I say "YES!" and then think of all the money I was about to spend and say " Let's go home." ::sigh::
I just sold my first batch of alpaca fleece, for $1 an ounce. I do have some very nice suri if anyone would be interested. My computer won't let me upload pics right now, but I have a black and white and a dark brown/red. Let me know, and we can work out a deal.
Your DBF said "Want to go?" and you said "NO!!??!!" First thing Monday morning I want you to call your doctor and get a complete physical. You're obviously suffering from exhaustion or some unexplained ailment. Girl, there's always something on sale!
Your DBF said "Want to go?" and you said "NO!!??!!" First thing Monday morning I want you to call your doctor and get a complete physical. You're obviously suffering from exhaustion or some unexplained ailment. Girl, there's always something on sale!


I'm thinking about spinning so much (and wanting to buy this wheel) that I'm dreaming about it every night!!!
Hi everyone, I have just gotten into knitting using more natural yarn, and I was wondering if anyone on this thread knows where I could get good quality alpaca yarn? I am going to be making socks or possibly mittens.
Chickster - are you on Etsy? On Etsy, I belong to a team called 1000 Things Alpaca. Many of the members there sell their alpaca yarn, as well as roving if you were interested in spinning it yourself.

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