Announcement BYC YouTube Videos

BYC Project Manager

BYC Staff
Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
15 Years
Feb 22, 2009
First, there was the "BYC Breed Focus" project, then the "BYC Official Polls" project, and then the "Top XYZ Lists" project... and now we're introducing a new project: BYC YouTube Videos!

Following the ideas of the fun projects above with a similar process and format, here's what we're planning on doing:

  1. We're asking for your ideas on new BYC YouTube Video ideas! If you have a great BYC article (already published) that you think would be incredibly educational and make a great video, let us know below. Our content creation team will assess & create these great videos.
  2. As they are created, we'll be posting links to them here, and also promoting them on the homepage, newsletter, etc.
  3. We'll be keeping an eye on this thread for your ideas and suggestions for new BYC YouTube Videos to be created and added to the list!

BYC YouTube Videos:

Keep an eye on this thread for updates, and please don't forget to Like our videos on YouTube and Subscribe to our channel!

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This is the best article I've written. Hope it helps. It's about silkie sexing.
Pippin's easy guide to silkie sexing

Pippin's easy guide to silkie sexing

Hello there! When I hatched my own silkies, I studied and studied about how to sex them. I read that it was almost impossible to sex them, and that you had to wait for a crow or an egg. Raising and watching them helped me pick out certain traits that only belong to roosters or hens. These...
These are a few of my articles that I think would make good videos. Not entirely sure what the criteria is though. :p
The Ultimate Guide to Setting Up a Chick Brooder

The Ultimate Guide to Setting Up a Chick Brooder

Chick Brooder Tips and Tricks Chicks! One of the most exciting parts of raising backyard chickens. The fluffy butts, tiny bodies, curious beaks, and all the antics! No one ever gets bored with chicks. As cute as they are, they’re also very fragile, and having a safe, clean, spacious, and...
Top 15 Chicken Coop Mistakes

Top 15 Chicken Coop Mistakes

Top 15 Chicken Coop Mistakes Chicken coops are the most important part of raising chickens. Protection from predators, warmth, and wellbeing will rely on a well-built coop. In the below article, I will explain all the mistakes to avoid when building your new coop. Or revamping, rebuilding, or...
What to look out for when adopting new poultry

What to look out for when adopting new poultry

Who isn't excited to take new birds home! You may be going to pick up a few birds who need good homes sometime soon, congratulations! As exciting as it is to get new birds, there are still important things to look out for upon picking them up. This article can be a guide showing what to look...

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