**** C S R A Group ****

No meat chickens yet. Though we've eaten a couple of roosters. I was hoping to raise some Salmon Faverolles for meat, but my rooster died on Wednesday. I think it was the heat.
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I'm being picky, but can you go back to the 1st post on this thread and fix the title to where all letters of CSRA are capitalized like that...mainly so it stands out when I look for it
altought I'm subscribed to it, i've got several other i keep up with too.

Yes, several guinea can live with chickens. However, the can breed but seldom do. I had mine housed together for a couple years and only had one chick that I suspected was a mix of the two. It died and they usually do.
I buy my meat birds from Tractor Supply in the spring because I can buy 6 at a time. So I buy a few, then go back a week or so later and buy a few more. That way I don't have to butcher all at once.

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