Cackleberry Cottage Update: Feeding Station Done

Wise Woman

12 Years
Apr 12, 2011
My Cottage
Well today my husband and I had time to finally make a feeding station. I wanted to do this when they moved in last Dec. But we didn't have the time. The girls seem to like it!
Hopefully it will cut down on the mess a little bit and keep the water cleaner.


Of course everyone had to come over and check out what we did.

Here is a video of them using their new feeding station.

Thanks for looking!
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Thank you aart. Yes, they were already using the treadle feeders but they were just sitting on the ground and they were getting poop and dirt all over them. They will still make some what of a mess, but I am hoping to eliminate some of the dirt and poo. I like the sides because no one can stick their head in from the side and get caught if the others step off the treadle. My plan now is that they will step on the 4 x 4 and what ever is on there feet will stick to that which is easily scraped or swept off instead of it getting all over the feeder.

The inside of the 4 x 4s is rubber mulch. Yes, they will spill food down in there. I don't think I will ever stop that. We went with this because we can just hose it off if it does get real messy. Plus, it is very soft on their feet. So far they haven't kicked hardly any dirt into here so I am hoping it stays a little cleaner than just having them on the ground. This morning I just swept the poo off the top of the 4 x 4s and the feeders were clean. So time will tell.

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