California-Inland Empire

We have the following chicks available for sale. All hatched on Easter 4/20/14
Straight run, though we’ll do our best to sex them (no guarantees)
1-Wheaten Ameraucana
4-Olive Eggers (Fluffy cheeks and feathered shanks/feet)
2- Super Blue Egg Layers
4- Isabel Marans

Assorted Hatch Pricing Chart
1 week old - $8 Vaccinated against Marek’s Disease
2 weeks old - $10 Vaccinated against Newcastle & Bronchitis
3 weeks old - $12
4 weeks old - $14
5 weeks old - $16
6 weeks old - $20 Vaccinated against Fowl pox
7 weeks old - $22
8 weeks old - $24 Vaccinated against Coryza

We also have some older hatches available for sale.

Hatch date: Breed

1/2/2014 : 1) Black Copper Marans Roo
1/13/2014: 1)Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Roo
1/24/2014; 1) Splash Marans Roo

Straight Run Chicks; for sale;
2) Black / Chocolate Split Orpingtons
2) Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
Barred Sizzle

1) Leghorn
1) California White

3) Bantam Chocolate Wyandotte

2) Jubilee English Orpingtons
Hatching Serama Eggs
2 Cochin Chicks
1 Partridge Silkie
2 Swedish Flower Hens for sale or trade
Along with Chicks and hatching eggs there will also be:
Locally Harvested, Raw Honey, & 100% All Natural Beeswax Products from Hometown Hive
Locally grown produce
Organic Jams, organic, non-GMO veggies and herbs, web design and social media marketing from Suburban Homestead
Mosaic Pottery
Tamales – Green Chile Chicken, Red Chile Chicken and Sweet
Rooster Collars- to lower the volume and duration of the crow
Knick Knacks
Baked Goods
Chicken themed sewing items and tote bags
Biosecurity Booties will be for sale so you can tour my gardens and chicken areas
Live wheat grass for fodder
There will also be two raffles.
The first one will be for fun items, such as:
Product from Hometown Hive
A 50 lb. bag of chick feed
A hanging water nipple bucket
& some fun chicken themed items.
The other raffle will be a 50/50 raffle. Winner gets 50% of the cash pot so the more buy-in’s the bigger the payout.

The Easter Hatch Ameraucana and 1 OE have been sold
I bought a 6 week old wheaten ameracauna form someone at the BYC meetup in Norco. She had a big "bin", cardboard run? Can't quite remember but it was large, had lots of chicks around 4-8 weeks (one was a cream legbar as I had inquired about that one, too) & was set up at the north side of the pavilion near Julie & the lady who has a pretty name that starts with R that I need to actually see it in print to remember it! (sorry). I didn't talk with the person I bought the chick from as she was busy talking to another person so I just handed over the $10 & picked up the chick but I thought I'd ask now seeing you are selling wheatens to see if it was you or not. I didn't get any info & I felt silly later as it would be nice to know the background of the chick (origination). She's doing great & is super sweet, I just thought I'd try to track down who I bought her from. If it isn't you but someone else here recognizes the info as being her or knows who it was, let me know. I was the one with the organic feed set up on a table close by in the pavilion area.
I bought a 6 week old wheaten ameracauna form someone at the BYC meetup in Norco. She had a big "bin", cardboard run? Can't quite remember but it was large, had lots of chicks around 4-8 weeks (one was a cream legbar as I had inquired about that one, too) & was set up at the north side of the pavilion near Julie & the lady who has a pretty name that starts with R that I need to actually see it in print to remember it! (sorry). I didn't talk with the person I bought the chick from as she was busy talking to another person so I just handed over the $10 & picked up the chick but I thought I'd ask now seeing you are selling wheatens to see if it was you or not. I didn't get any info & I felt silly later as it would be nice to know the background of the chick (origination). She's doing great & is super sweet, I just thought I'd try to track down who I bought her from. If it isn't you but someone else here recognizes the info as being her or knows who it was, let me know. I was the one with the organic feed set up on a table close by in the pavilion area.
Hi trish, I sold you the wheaten ameraucana. You can pm me with whatever questions you have!
We have the following chicks available for sale. All hatched on Easter 4/20/14
Straight run, though we’ll do our best to sex them (no guarantees)
1-Wheaten Ameraucana
4-Olive Eggers (Fluffy cheeks and feathered shanks/feet)
2- Super Blue Egg Layers
4- Isabel Marans

Assorted Hatch Pricing Chart
1 week old - $8 Vaccinated against Marek’s Disease
2 weeks old - $10 Vaccinated against Newcastle & Bronchitis
3 weeks old - $12
4 weeks old - $14
5 weeks old - $16
6 weeks old - $20 Vaccinated against Fowl pox
7 weeks old - $22
8 weeks old - $24 Vaccinated against Coryza

We also have some older hatches available for sale.

Hatch date: Breed

1/2/2014 : 1) Black Copper Marans Roo
1/13/2014: 1)Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Roo
1/24/2014; 1) Splash Marans Roo

Straight Run Chicks; for sale;
2) Black / Chocolate Split Orpingtons
2) Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
Barred Sizzle

1) Leghorn
1) California White

3) Bantam Chocolate Wyandotte

2) Jubilee English Orpingtons
Hatching Serama Eggs
2 Cochin Chicks
1 Partridge Silkie
2 Swedish Flower Hens for sale or trade
Along with Chicks and hatching eggs there will also be:
Locally Harvested, Raw Honey, & 100% All Natural Beeswax Products from Hometown Hive
Locally grown produce
Organic Jams, organic, non-GMO veggies and herbs, web design and social media marketing from Suburban Homestead
Mosaic Pottery
Tamales – Green Chile Chicken, Red Chile Chicken and Sweet
Rooster Collars- to lower the volume and duration of the crow
Knick Knacks
Baked Goods
Chicken themed sewing items and tote bags
Biosecurity Booties will be for sale so you can tour my gardens and chicken areas
Live wheat grass for fodder
There will also be two raffles.
The first one will be for fun items, such as:
Product from Hometown Hive
A 50 lb. bag of chick feed
A hanging water nipple bucket
& some fun chicken themed items.
The other raffle will be a 50/50 raffle. Winner gets 50% of the cash pot so the more buy-in’s the bigger the payout.
Baby Eastern Wild Turkeys
There will also be more chicks available, just waiting on the hatch to get confirmation of types and numbers
I googled Isabel Marans & there is a clothing designer whose name is super close She (or the company?) came up all over the place :)

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