California-Inland Empire

That would be Ozexpat.... He might still be in the Philippines.
thank you Rick
So what does everybody breed and just for Fun,eggs,show?

I breed just for the fun of it. Most breeds I have are in my signature. I will be adding Ducks to my flock I have 24 eggs to put in Incubator later today that I bought and will be getting 10 baby ducks May 18th. I will post the breeds in my Signature of them later after Hatch day etc.
I have the KC eggs but unfortunately everyone is free ranging so they are together & momma's eggs could be khaki dad, Rouen dad or swedish dad. I wanted to let you know I ordered welsh harlequin female ducklings from Metzer Farms available at cost 10.00 ea around May 7th. They are very similar to KC's in laying ability & are very calm ducks. Amada on CPP will be selling some of her WH drakes in June that will be about 8 weeks at that time.
I have the KC eggs but unfortunately everyone is free ranging so they are together & momma's eggs could be khaki dad, Rouen dad or swedish dad. I wanted to let you know I ordered welsh harlequin female ducklings from Metzer Farms available at cost 10.00 ea around May 7th. They are very similar to KC's in laying ability & are very calm ducks. Amada on CPP will be selling some of her WH drakes in June that will be about 8 weeks at that time.
I will have approximately 2 or 3 Welsh Harlequin drakes for sale in a few months. I want to have them feathered out, confirm sex, and pick my breeders before putting them up for sale.

So what does everybody breed and just for Fun,eggs,show?
Most everything I have is for fun but we just got ducks for eggs. Nearly everything i have is juveniles as we are relatively new to chickens and rebuilding after a heavy loss last year.

I have:

4 Mille Fleur Bantam Cochins for fun. They are not a APA recognized color but super pretty & we have 2 frizzles.

6 Black Ameraucana chicks that will be a part of a Chocolate project I am starting soon

8 Olandsk Dwarf juvies (trying to sell some of those)

12 Welsh Harlequin ducklings

4 Ayam Cemani chicks ( another breeders culls due to white)

1 Mix hen

& I just put in an order for 17 poults from Porters Turkeys for mid-June

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