California - Northern

I think the article I saw about backyard flock immunity/resistance is very interesting. Seems that pasture-raised commercial flocks are also much more likely to be resistant to outbreaks. I've heard that eggs have nearly doubled in price in some places (Texas was where the complaint came from), but I was at the store last night and there was no change at all here. I wish the industry would take a lesson that healthier, more natural conditions are actually beneficial in pretty much every way, but I think we all know they won't.


What will my Pita Pinta chicks look like as adults? So far I'm guessing 1 girl 1boy and 1 undecided lol
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Spinosad is a new insect killer. It kills mites and lice better than some of the old ones because there is less resistance to it.

It also keeps working for longer if it is not in direct sunlight. That makes it good for killing mites in the coop.

Do you have any brand names that spinosad is sold as?

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