

They really are gorgeous birds - the coloring is called Lemon Cuckoo.

I am not far from you - La Crescenta. $120 for the pair would include delivery to your area. :^)

I am allowed to have a rooster, but if a neighbor complains about the noise it becomes a noise ordinance issue, not a rooster issue, and I have one very unhappy neighbor who will do just that. She sent letters to another neighbor warning that their children were laughing too loudly when they played in their own back yard!

I am letting them go as a pair because they are pretty uncommon, and I think more useful to someone as a breeding pair. I still want to have two Niederrheiner hens, so maybe this way I will have a local source to buy eggs next summer.

I currently have 1 Australorp, 2 Buff Orpingtons, 2 Barred Rocks, 2 Easter Eggers, 3 French Black Copper Marans (one is a melanistic mutant), 1 Red Orpington/Bielefelder cross, 1 Bielefelder, and the 2 Niederrheiners.

The last four in the list (underlined) are ones I hatched late summer of this year by placing purchased fertile eggs under broody hens.

My run is 12x8x8 and was inspired by a UK photo I saw - a bit like this except mine is covered in 1/2" hardware wire:

I will try to find the exact page that was my inspiration.

I wanted us all to be able to walk inside without stooping or banging our heads, and I have a roost bar on one end at about 6.5 feet high that the birds LOVE to hang out on.

I came up with the idea, but my husband made it all happen. I am not a builder, I am more of a "crafter" so he had to look at my idea and translate it into something we could build. We put pavers in a rectangle that just meet the inside edge of the run so the run doesn't sit on the dirt (it sits on the pavers). The pavers extend outward to prevent anyone from finding an easy dig spot to get into the run. We put treated 2x6's, long edge up, along the inside of the run (smack up against the pavers and the run) and pounded them into the dirt a bit.

The top is completely covered with 1/2" hardware wire/cloth and half-covered with a roof of plywood with tar paper. I tarp the whole top during winter with a waterproof tarp from Do It Center. My yard is visited by bobcats, raccoons, coyotes, and an occasional mountain lion so I need the birds to be safe at night.

I have a modified pre-made coop inside the run that has roosting places and nest boxes. They lay their eggs in the nest boxes without fail, and they all slept in it when they were little but now they mostly like to sleep on the roost bar at the top of the run.

I know we took pictures when it was shiny and new, I just have to find can see some pics of my birds if you click on my profile. They are all taken inside the run.

No picture right now everything has been disassembled

but here is how it will be reassembled.

here is an old picture

One wall is wood over chainlink Prevailing wind. the roof is tarp This was summer so keeping it open and airflow was essential. We top out at 105 degrees. The white thing in the foreground is a water barrel that fed the poultry at the time.

I have enough dog kennel panels on hand to make my poultry house.

I plan on two full walls one on the Counter top side of the house and one on ther roost side of the house. There will be a pitched roof this time. Each chicken partition will be 6 x 6 x 12. The guinea partition will be 6 x 6 x 30 including that little ell where the nests are. Yeah Yeah LIke I am dreaming about getting guineas to lay their eggs in nests...

but the sides will be open. Prevailing winds come east or west and sometimes from the south west a roll up tarp will handle that.

No picture right now everything has been disassembled

but here is how it will be reassembled.

here is an old picture

One wall is wood over chainlink Prevailing wind. the roof is tarp This was summer so keeping it open and airflow was essential. We top out at 105 degrees. The white thing in the foreground is a water barrel that fed the poultry at the time.

I have enough dog kennel panels on hand to make my poultry house.

I plan on two full walls one on the Counter top side of the house and one on ther roost side of the house. There will be a pitched roof this time. Each chicken partition will be 6 x 6 x 12. The guinea partition will be 6 x 6 x 30 including that little ell where the nests are. Yeah Yeah LIke I am dreaming about getting guineas to lay their eggs in nests...

but the sides will be open. Prevailing winds come east or west and sometimes from the south west a roll up tarp will handle that.


Are you doing this all alone, girl?! Hats off to ya!!!
I cant climb a ladder so I will have to contract my neighbor to assemble the roof. I want a single pitch flowing to the lowest point along the wall nearest on the countertop side. Then I can collect rain water. using the whole roof. We dont get much rain but when it comes down it comes down all at once.

But I can do the rest even the stall mats which weigh about a hundred pounds a piece. the dog kennel panels fasten to each other with Two kennel clamps. So If I can get my son to stage the pannels for me it will be a simple manner of tilting them up and Zip tieing them in place Then the kennel clamps can go in at my liesure. Right now I get about with a walker but its too wide to go through the doors. So each partition will be assembled without the door panel. Then mount the door panel open. Then swing the door panel in place and fasten the side with the human door set ajar. I am also toying with the idea of making the whole panel open-able.

I have an auger so I can do the post holes for the chainlink posts that are needed along the center. This will anchor the whole thing to the ground. everything else sits on top of the ground.

Those post holes will get dug along with the fence holes for the back yard fence. but I have a drill bit that is just a little bit larger than the fence pipe. The idea is to dig em down x far then use a post driver to put them in the rest of the way. I want them down at least three feet. Then the dug hole can be collapsed against the pipe with a tamper.

There is no heave in our soil to warrent cementing them in... besides IF I want to move the coop again I can either remove the posts or just assemble more fence for the back yard. Win Win.

The whole reason for moving the coop is to make it accessible from outside the yard. I want to be able to back the truck up and off load directly into the coop. Notice the guineas are along the fence with the horse. She Wuvves her guineas.
I cant climb a ladder so I will have to contract my neighbor to assemble the roof. I want a single pitch flowing to the lowest point along the wall nearest on the countertop side. Then I can collect rain water. using the whole roof. We dont get much rain but when it comes down it comes down all at once.

But I can do the rest even the stall mats which weigh about a hundred pounds a piece. the dog kennel panels fasten to each other with Two kennel clamps. So If I can get my son to stage the pannels for me it will be a simple manner of tilting them up and Zip tieing them in place Then the kennel clamps can go in at my liesure. Right now I get about with a walker but its too wide to go through the doors. So each partition will be assembled without the door panel. Then mount the door panel open. Then swing the door panel in place and fasten the side with the human door set ajar. I am also toying with the idea of making the whole panel open-able.

I have an auger so I can do the post holes for the chainlink posts that are needed along the center. This will anchor the whole thing to the ground. everything else sits on top of the ground.

Those post holes will get dug along with the fence holes for the back yard fence. but I have a drill bit that is just a little bit larger than the fence pipe. The idea is to dig em down x far then use a post driver to put them in the rest of the way. I want them down at least three feet. Then the dug hole can be collapsed against the pipe with a tamper.

There is no heave in our soil to warrent cementing them in... besides IF I want to move the coop again I can either remove the posts or just assemble more fence for the back yard. Win Win.

The whole reason for moving the coop is to make it accessible from outside the yard. I want to be able to back the truck up and off load directly into the coop. Notice the guineas are along the fence with the horse. She Wuvves her guineas.

Having a bigger swing open panel for human access sounds good. I keep looking around the property figuring how things would work if someday I was walker or wheelchair bound. I'm already depending occasionally on a cane for really painful days but at least I can still move, walk, bend but as for gardening I do it all from a chair. If I ever got on my knees I'd never get up again LOL!


They really are gorgeous birds - the coloring is called Lemon Cuckoo.

I am not far from you - La Crescenta. $120 for the pair would include delivery to your area. :^)

I am allowed to have a rooster, but if a neighbor complains about the noise it becomes a noise ordinance issue, not a rooster issue, and I have one very unhappy neighbor who will do just that. She sent letters to another neighbor warning that their children were laughing too loudly when they played in their own back yard! 

I am letting them go as a pair because they are pretty uncommon, and I think more useful to someone as a breeding pair. I still want to have two Niederrheiner hens, so maybe this way I will have a local source to buy eggs next summer. 

I currently have 1 Australorp, 2 Buff Orpingtons, 2 Barred Rocks, 2 Easter Eggers, 3 French Black Copper Marans (one is a melanistic mutant), 1 Red Orpington/Bielefelder cross, 1 Bielefelder, and the 2 Niederrheiners.

The last four in the list (underlined) are ones I hatched late summer of this year by placing purchased fertile eggs under broody hens.

I love it!!! We have a neighbor like you too...and we live within "Horse property". There are roosters all around us, my husband is so afraid if iffending the one, we are situating our rooster coop outside OUR bedroom window- I don't care so much, I'm up at the crack anyway.

They are a beautiful pair. Maybe PM me your number and we can chat.

Thank you, too, for the coop idea- it's exactly what I had in mind!!!

As for us, we have 2 Crested Cream Legbars (Frencg Fry and Evelyn),1 lemon cuckoo English Orpington (Eleanor Lemon (yes- she has a first and last name), 1 Golden Laced Wyandotte (Dottie), 1 Lavender Orpington (Laverne (Shirley just died)), 1 Australop (Veronica) and our crazy EE (Julie).,,,with a bienfelder quartet (small breeding flock for fun for our girls), along with two black copper Marans coming from Greenfire in February.
this is the space we will convert to the open air coop... The coop will run the length of the playhouse, which will be 80 sf. The run is extending in a L shape along the wall... Approximately another 600 ft of covered run space.

For now, the 5 old enough to be out, are pretty happy here- they have about 220 square feet. The coop has plenty of room for 8-9. The Niederrheiners could go in there with all the layers and I think your boy would be quite happy! :) The super coop should be finished by the time the new group arrives... On w it's all set, the bienfelders will stay in their own camp where the girls are now.

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The San Jacinto emu could find a flock with the two emus and one ostrich that reside at the San Bernardino shelter. They were picked up stray, too, a few years back. The shelter has kept them because kids like to come look at them and take home a dog.
Having a bigger swing open panel for human access sounds good. I keep looking around the property figuring how things would work if someday I was walker or wheelchair bound. I'm already depending occasionally on a cane for really painful days but at least I can still move, walk, bend but as for gardening I do it all from a chair. If I ever got on my knees I'd never get up again LOL!
Plan your walk ways NOW, while you are still mobile enough. This is partially why I am doing the rebuild.

I want two breeds of chickens and a flock of guineas for Income producing. One partition will be reinforced for goats. but eventually I will build a separate goat pen inside the horse corral. just some judicious pipe corral panel placement and I can feed the horse and goats from the same gate. But poultry duties are time consuming and I need to rest between each pen. so having a shaded space to sit will be nice and just like in a kitchen I want a work triangle.

The goats will be company for the horse. So having them in the same space will be a plus. She will protect them from dogs as well.
She is a deadly shot with both front and rear hooves. And she doesnt suffer dogs trying to chase her. I have seen her take out a chunk of plywood the size of her hoof sending it about twenty feet across the driveway. She has size seven hooves.

If Katee wore shoes hers would be extra large. Compared to a horse who would wear a large. The extra large is about the size of the small dinner plate. I have seen all 2000 pounds of her go after a dog She can strike with both fronts.

I wish she had been able to protect the goats when the dog pack got them. But they were outside of her fence. so I will put up anti dog fence on the outside of Katees corral and build a goat house inside. Since I feed Alfalfa to the goats and Bermuda to the horse it makes sense to keep All the bales of hay stored in the same location. A bale of Bermuda weighs 110 pounds and a bale of alfalfa can weigh upwards to 135. I free feed both the horse and the goats. So that means putting a whole bale in the horse or goat feeders. By feeding that way No one gets anxious at a particular time of day.

No I dont lift a whole bale I slide it to the horse feeder and stand it on end and tip it over into her feeder. The goats feeder is flat to the ground so I would just open a gate and slide the bale in.


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