
That happened a little with Bocktoven too, but she has them! As you wish......

Bocktoven looks SO MUCH like Waffles, even as a chick! Their head patterns are almost identical. Waffles has black stripes (I'm sure there's an official term for that...) in her head/neck feathers, and her body has a little more black/dark grey in it - but they are so similar. I hope Waffles gets her cheekies back and looks as sweet as Bocktoven! (I LOVE all their names.)
That's all good to know! Waffles is sweet, but she's been the fastest-growing of our girls (I think she hatched earlier than the others - arrived with wing feathers already growing!), and she uses her size to get what she wants - usually a good spot on my lap. It will be interesting to see what happens when the others overtake her size and she becomes the smallest! It is true that she's the quickest to notice and point out danger, and usually leads the flock when moving from place to place.

In short, I love her very much! (and I can't wait for her to get her grown up feathers so I'll know what she looks like! so excited!!!)

Ameraucanas, or in your case EE, always look larger than they really are because of the stance they take. Our Ameraucana stands very upright and statuesque and with extra fluffy feathers (especially on their muff/beard and butts) look heavier than they really are. One of my reasons for getting an APA Blue Wheaten Ameraucana rather than an EE was because I wanted to know exactly what color she would be feathered out and I wanted the guaranteed blue egg and not a mint, or pink, or greenish egg. Now that I've had my Ameraucana for a while I will take the plunge in future to get an unknown color EE chick to watch and see what she turns out to be. They are a totally endearing breed and need an owner that understands their quirks and behaviors as a breed to totally appreciate them. They are not an ordinary heavy dual-purpose hen-pecking political chicken but very unique and people-oriented. I personally dislike seeing them placed in heavy LF flocks because they are too gentle and non-combative among the more common dual purpose breeds. I am so glad to hear you are enjoying Waffles!
Bocktoven looks SO MUCH like Waffles, even as a chick! Their head patterns are almost identical. Waffles has black stripes (I'm sure there's an official term for that...) in her head/neck feathers, and her body has a little more black/dark grey in it - but they are so similar. I hope Waffles gets her cheekies back and looks as sweet as Bocktoven! (I LOVE all their names.)

This is a common patterning in EEs. Gorgeous almost a golden orange overall with darker patterns that look like lacing - very pretty.
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I'm becoming very frustrated in raising chickens... We lost 2 last month to Marecks/Cocci and now this one has been like this for 2 weeks and not showing any improvement after a 2nd treatment with Corid.

This morning I found this girl, just flopping around in the run. Sorry about the poor video.

I'm becoming very frustrated in raising chickens... We lost 2 last month to Marecks/Cocci and now this one has been like this for 2 weeks and not showing any improvement after a 2nd treatment with Corid.

This morning I found this girl, just flopping around in the run. Sorry about the poor video.

Are you sure its Mareks I heard chicken cholera is going around might want to look that up
I'm becoming very frustrated in raising chickens... We lost 2 last month to Marecks/Cocci and now this one has been like this for 2 weeks and not showing any improvement after a 2nd treatment with Corid. This morning I found this girl, just flopping around in the run. Sorry about the poor video.
This sucks sorry you are going thru this...I do lean towards Mareks.. are you going to have a bird necropsied at UCDavis? FYI..Mareks comes in 4 different forms so it is possible it is not the classic paralysied leg version.... :hit :hugs
Hi. I'm new to the whole chicken thing. I got my chicks last month and they are now 5 weeks old. I just got them out of my bathroom (Thank goodness) and into their newly build coop. I still have to finish fencing the run, but they will be fine in the coop for a few more weeks. The coop I built is 6'X6' and I have 9 girls (all girls I hope!). I just need to finish painting the outside of it. My current flock consists of: 2 buff orpingtons, 2 lavender orpingtons, 2 australorps, 2 easter eggers, and a silver laced wyandotte. Things seem to be going fine so far. :)

Here are some pictures:

The coop (which I hope to get painted this weekend!):

The chicks on Monday 6/16 - their first day in the coop:

The chicks last night 6/19 - teaching them to roost:

I'm hoping to attend some of the more local meetups in the future. I'm sorry to hear of the recent losses to disease, it is something I am super paranoid about myself.

Beautiful Coop. Can't wait to see it painted. I think they should be fine if you want to gve them some outside time in a temporary/ ver portable area try an dog Excersise pen with some poultry netting over the top.
Cute babies.
Welcome to the flock :)

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