
If I could only have 2 chickens I would for sure want them to look different for variety. They are going to be best buds regardless of breed.

You would hopefully think two chickens should be best buds. We had a Buff Leghorn and Blue Wheaten Ameraucana very similar in size and color. However, the Buff Leg took advantage of the Ameraucana's non-combative gentle nature and lorded over her, chasing her, pulling out her muff/beard down to the skin, and the Amer would not fight back. Best friends? Hmmm - I don't think so. Not only should both hens be similar in size, but also should have similar temperaments. Example: I would never put a docile Faverolles with an aggressive heavy dual purpose breed like a RIR, BR, Orp, 'Lorp, Wyandotte, etc. The Faverolles would never stand up for itself in a challenge the way our Amer didn't.
Has anyone near Disneyland had any issues with the noise of the fireworks affecting laying? I figure that the girls have grown up with it since they were 3 days old, so it shouldn't affect their laying, but I am curious to hear your experiences.

4th of July comes only once a year and our block is full of legal (and illegal) fireworks going off sometimes past midnite! Our older hens don't pay attention as long as they're snuggled in their nestboxes and the cover tarp is over the coop and the patio light is left on as usual. We also live 2 houses from the 210 Fwy with horns honking, accidents smashing, trucks tooting their very loud horns, news helicopters flying overhead every morning and every evening to monitor the traffic news. As long as the chickens are accustomed to hearing the same noises it doesn't affect their egg laying one bit.
Our flock of 4 is all mixed breed LF (see my signature for specifics). We chose our breeds for laying ability, heat hardiness and docility. They are getting along fabulously. They are only 6 weeks today, so problems could develop in the future, but I'm not worried about that one bit. They shared a brooder, and now share a coop, run, and free range space with no problems.

Pullets are not the issue. It's the mature adult hen breeds that get pushy. If there are two docile-natured breeds and two assertive breeds guess who gets picked on when adult hormones and assertiveness kicks in? I'm not talking about normal flock politics where a matriarch must be established in absence of a roo. I'm talking about bullying which an assertive breed will take advantage of a docile breed like a Faverolles, Ameraucana, EE, Polish, etc. Our aggressive Leghorn pulled out all the muff of our Ameraucana whose nature is non-combative so was taken advantage of by the Leghorn - had to rehome the Leghorn this past weekend when she started chasing the Silkies too. She is now in a LF flock where she cannot bully because the flock will challenge back.
Hi Everyone! I'm going to give this another try and see if anyone would be interested! I am having to sell my last Ameraucana breeding trio project, I have a blue roo, black hen, and a white hen! The White hen hatched out beautiful splash colored babies along with some blues! I'm having to sell due to a move to Oregon :hit I also have a Golden Cuckoo Maran that is laying great right now!! Tons of chocolate colored eggs! I have a little Jap mix roo who has become attached to her but not a must to adopt both! Let me know if anyone would be interested in buying either the trio or the cuckoo and jap roo!!
How old is the blue roo...I have to consult with the wife but I may be interested.
I have read and am aware not to mix a larger breed with a smaller breed if my flock is only 2 ladies. But I was wondering if I could keep 2 breeds "successfully" together if they are similar in size. Have you had any luck with this? Thanks for the info. I really like the Barred Rocks and am looking into another similarly sized breed that would be a good egg layer, great pet and could handle the heat (90+ in the summer) while holding it's own at the feeder.
early introductions improve "success"
really I think there are endless options
I have read and am aware not to mix a larger breed with a smaller breed if my flock is only 2 ladies. But I was wondering if I could keep 2 breeds "successfully" together if they are similar in size. Have you had any luck with this? Thanks for the info. I really like the Barred Rocks and am looking into another similarly sized breed that would be a good egg layer, great pet and could handle the heat (90+ in the summer) while holding it's own at the feeder.
My layer flock is a flock of multiple breeds to make a colorful egg basket (Ameraucanas, Marans, Cream Legbar, Opigtons, Brahmas, Welsummers, Blue Andelusians, Speckled Sussexs, Salmon Favorelles. Everyone gets along fine. I even have a White Frizzled Bantam Cochin Rooster with the girls. It is a big colorful flock that I call my walking flower garden.

You can successsfully have a flock of multiple breeds.

Good Luck and have fun :)
I think the key is to have a lot of room for them. If you plan on buying a small little ready made coop where they will be confined 90% of the day to 15 sq ft (5'x3') then you have to plan accordingly. But a breed variety will be great if they have some room to roam.
Wow! Sylvester017, that is some great information! Thank you!! It really narrows down my research! I will keep in touch on hear and let y'all know my decisions and progress!!

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