
Hi Ebony,

You will find many enablers that will get you hooked on some sort of foul :) I have Quail and Chickens. We raise our quail for eggs and meat. They are funny little birds too. There are a few of us Quail raisers here.

Hope you enjoy the group.
Welcome, Julie :)
This reply should have started like this...."Hi, my name is Julie and I am an enabler"!
My Dog kennel coop was very secure.... but not big enough nor could I access it without crossing through the goat pen.... Its mostly dog kennel panels and they are good for dogs but dont keep chickens safe from other predators without going to extreme measures.

So in the new coop the chain-link will be just for the interior partitions. The goats destroyed enough of my kennel panels that I will be stripping off the chain-link and replacing that with Either wood or Aviary wire and using those for exterior walls to defend against predators. I used to raise finches and parakeets in walk in Aviaries. So with existing aviary materials I can cover 24 linear feet of the chicken coop. Someone gave me four aviaries when he retired each was four by six by six.... So that gives me another fifty Linear feet appx of Aviary wire... Its all 12.5 gauge and in order to cut it you have to either use a saws-all or an angle grinder.

The problem With hot wire here in Southern California is getting a good ground. Goats are naturally insulated.... between hair and hooves... My horse is a Percheron and only seventeen hands.... when I boarded at a nice boarding stable there were three percherons and one Clyde living in a row of pipe corral set up for them 24 x 48 pens.... The Big Percheron gelding named Knight was eighteen hands plus and about 2200 lbs... Hagrid was his barn name Lol because of all the mane and forelock he had.. The big guy didn't respect fences and was known for bending pipe corral.... So they put hot wire on his fence... what a hoot. He would stand there and leave his upper lip on the hot wire.... and you could see his lip twitch with the charges.... He LIKED it... Thank goodness Katee pretty much respects fences....

At my house which is in the high desert the ground rod has to be about ten feet deep... But it doesn't make the connection to the animal... So in order to do hot-wire that works you have to do a double line or a bi polar charge.... meaning positive and negative are running right next to each other.... The best way I have found is a tape

The rest of the fence will be Cattle panels Areas where they will want to rub .... Chainlink doesnt do the trick because it stretches over time and the dog kennel panels I have been using for coop construction are put together with Aluminum wire fasteners.... Not strong enough for goats. Cattle panels are four gauge....

Yea, I discovered the baby wasn't feeling it because he was jumping through the wires (not touching the ground meant no electric shock). The puppy was blazing through the darned fence so quickly that the charge wasn't catching up to him and the female pygmy was like your Hagrid. She liked it and just played with it.
The ground was difficult without a post digger there was no way I was getting down ten feet. I planted a small patch of grass around the rods and watered the rods daily. The grass let me know whether the area was too dry. Did nothing for the goats but it did keep my horse in line.

Honestly for my goats what did them in was buying some rather cheap fencing from Home Depot and some ground stakes. Wired the fence to the stakes and pounded the stakes into the ground. Their constant dedication to escaping though was too much for me to take.

Hi Ebony,

You will find many enablers that will get you hooked on some sort of foul :) I have Quail and Chickens. We raise our quail for eggs and meat. They are funny little birds too. There are a few of us Quail raisers here.

Hope you enjoy the group.
Welcome, Julie :)
Yea, I had thought of trying them for meat and eggs. I almost got some in the spring but the seller was too far.

This reply should have started like this...."Hi, my name is Julie and I am an enabler"!

But don't work Hosspack (Rick) has quail too so I am sure he'll help you get hooked too. Oh and just noticed my "fowl" was changed to "foul" stupid auto correct.
Does anyone have any blue laced red Wyandotte or blue/French copper marans pullets for sale? I'm in Orange County.
Hi everyone! New signing up here though I've been lurking for months on this site when I ran into trouble!.
You can call me Ebony :)
I am VERY new to birds. Just basically impulse bought my first Rouen ducklings about four months ago.

Live in the Antelope Valley. Specifically Quartz Hill.

Total family includes myself with:
2 Dogs.
1 Cat
1 Horse
5 Rouen Ladies.

In the future, I want to add Quails into the mix. Also looking for a juvenile drake for my current girls to swarm over <3.

I'm not a chicken fan. But I admit that serma's and silkies might soon change my mind.

That's all for now!

Hope we can be friends!


Seramas are darling little bantams but breeders have a challenge in raising such little guys. Silkies are probably the largest bantam and lay the biggest of the bantam eggs but these little darlings have special needs. If you have Quails they are really small and probably have very special requirements as well. May I recommend you do a LOT of research on each of these breeds because they will only be as hardy as you can care for them. Each of these breeds have different care/maintenance needs so arm yourself with thorough knowledge of them before deciding to add them to a climate that fluctuates as much as Antelope Valley does.

We have Silkies because of their Teddy Bear looks and sweetness but being crested, bearded, fluffy, feather-footed 2-lb birds they can't get their feathered legs/toes muddy, they have to be kept out of rainy, cold, windy weather because their fluffy fur doesn't keep them warm/dry and they get soaked to the skin in rain, the chicks can drown in a small water bowl, a lice/mite preventative maintenance has to be routine at least once a month because critters love to lodge in soft Silkie feathers, realize that most bantam breeds are very broody hens and need to be monitored to take off their nests to eat/drink/exercise before they run back to their clutch, and these little guys can't fly to get away from ground predators. These are just a few examples of the extra care Silkies will require. We adore our two bantams and our milder So Calif location has been great for them but they do require a bit more care than our LF breeds.

Rouens are beautiful ducks. Rouens are sparse egg layers so maybe you'll choose to add chickens for eggs. Once you add chickens you'll be hooked LOL! One small suggestion is that if you get bantams don't mix them with heavy or dual purpose breeds so bantams don't get bullied or picked on - that was a mistake we made and had to re-home all our larger LF bullies. We choose breeds under 5-lbs now.

Good luck with your poultry! And there are a lot of nice helpful people on BYC if you have questions! Posted photos are always welcome too.
Good morning. I have a 12 week old splash silkie cockerel that I am needing to rehome. He was hatched on April 14th from a fertile egg from a Mountain Creek Farms silkie. Please let me know if anyone might like this handsome little guy

Howdy! I'm in Riverside. 15 egg layers on my little farm. I became a FAST expert on keeping chickens cool! Should be easier where you are. Not as hot or cold. I'm having a ball! No eggs yet, but who knew chickens had a personality?! Eggs are $5. /dz now. Feeling pretty smart! Holler if you need anything. Welcome!
Hi Ebony,

You will find many enablers that will get you hooked on some sort of foul :) I have Quail and Chickens. We raise our quail for eggs and meat. They are funny little birds too. There are a few of us Quail raisers here.

Hope you enjoy the group.
Welcome, Julie :)

This reply should have started like this...."Hi, my name is Julie and I am an enabler"!

LOL...soooo true! Everyone on here will definitely encourage you to:
1) hatch your favorite type of bird
2) then hatch out EVERY type of color your favorite bird comes in
3) then you will somehow decide that you need some diversity in your flock and you start the same process over with a new type of bird....LOL

Chickens are ADORABLY addicting for sure
Howdy! I'm in Riverside. 15 egg layers on my little farm. I became a FAST expert on keeping chickens cool! Should be easier where you are. Not as hot or cold. I'm having a ball! No eggs yet, but who knew chickens had a personality?! Eggs are $5. /dz now. Feeling pretty smart! Holler if you need anything. Welcome!

Hi There! And YES...we are the lucky ones enjoying our eggs for free along with fun little birds! Chickens have amazing much fun to have!!!!!

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