
So what I've done here in my entire coupe I have of course the 12 lbs feeder then I have a little bucket for water as the ducks like mixing the food with the water it makes it easier to clean out on a daily basis I also have next to the feeder two hooks one hook I usually put bananas cucumbers corn anything like that the other hook has the chicken wire basket that I put in the heads of lettuce cabbage that way they have to work to get that food out I don't know if you can see but on the outset of the table there's also a small bucket attached to the outside of the leg it's a wire frame bucket with wire mesh surrounding it and then almost open bottom and I usually put apples and pears in there so they have to work to get the fruit I've got the dust bath box for the chickens the pond for the ducks I also keep the Haybale for them to find the wheat heads give them something to scratch and they also play chicken of the hill with it the structure holding all the food is actually A triple purpose structure it has rungs for them to jump around on and get to higher locations and play king of the hill like chickens like to do, it's a feeding station and it has a laminate table on top so that I can prepare treats for them or a work station to do more work to the run. Once a week I'll put a salmon out for them to all eat I also throw minnows and goldfish into the pond for the ducks to hunt, the coop is my shed that I converted half of it into a coop built ledges and converted milk crates into nesting boxes as well as installed roosting bars etc. adjacent to their run is a grazing area for them that they're allowed out under supervision that is always kept lush and green for them as of right now I am working on getting them a mirror as hens enjoyed looking at themselves and preening and as I don't have a rooster yet gives them something else to do the entire idea of my run was to keep them entertained as much as possible so i'm constantly changing and adding to it taking things out putting new things in that way they never get bored

Haha I never thought of a mirror!
I like the wire buckets for contained treats, thanks for the idea. I try to avoid mixing food with the ground/runs/chicken droppings.
btw - roosters should be easy to come by if you see one in your future ;)
Chick pics are always fun too look at =)




Love seeing everybodys set up. I am still in the beginning phases and love getting all this creative input. FarmerJohn, are you not worried about daytime attacks? I noticed that your run area is open on top. My girls are 8 week old today. Last night when I gathered them from outside to bring them inside (don't have a secure area for them outside yet) they were jumping all over me and were screaming in my face. No idea what was up with them. They seem to looooove to climb up on me to sit on my shoulders or preferably on my head. Which makes me nervous since, well you know....poop.
8 weeks and you're still worried about poop? ;) just wait until you get cecal poop on your head. Then you'll never worry about normal poop ever again! LOL I'd post the pic but it's on a hard drive somewhere... Barred Rock cecal poop right to the face. Epic. :D
Or when your Dog decides that Cecal is just the think to daub behind her ears.... and then comes in for a scratch.....

so when you see the dog sniff then throw herself down on one shoulder and rub along the ground..... BEware.....

8 weeks and you're still worried about poop?
just wait until you get cecal poop on your head. Then you'll never worry about normal poop ever again! LOL

I'd post the pic but it's on a hard drive somewhere... Barred Rock cecal poop right to the face. Epic.
Well, I got my share of poop, on arms and legs but successfully avoided head, face and shoulder far. I want to see that picture
Its funny what one can get used to in a short amount of time. Last week I bought meal worms for the first time. Once I opened the container and it kind of wiggled everywhere I shuddered and I felt like I am looking at nightmare material. 30 mins later I am handing them out like candy.
Or when your Dog decides that Cecal is just the think to daub behind her ears.... and then comes in for a scratch.....

so when you see the dog sniff then throw herself down on one shoulder and rub along the ground..... BEware.....


My dogs have actually turned into chicken poop lovers. Not sure if that includes the cecal kind. I feel like they are treating the chickens like treat dispensers
At first shocking and nauseating to look at but then again, within a couple of days very much appreciated LOL Chicken poops on kitchen floor, dogs race each other to get it first, deal!

In general my dogs have been so great with the chickens. Very friendly and gentle. The other day one landed on one of my dogs back and he was cool with it as well.
My dogs have actually turned into chicken poop lovers. Not sure if that includes the cecal kind. I feel like they are treating the chickens like treat dispensers :cool:  At first shocking and nauseating to look at but then again, within a couple of days very much appreciated LOL Chicken poops on kitchen floor, dogs race each other to get it first, deal!

In general my dogs have been so great with the chickens. Very friendly and gentle. The other day one landed on one of my dogs back and he was cool with it as well. 

eeeeeeew! LOL! Now I'm squirming! Hahaha
Hi! I'm new to BYC! I'm in Loma Linda, CA and we have 4 chickens- a buff Orpington, a blue Orpington, a lavender Easter Egger, and another Easter Egger. We've had them for 2 and a half months, except the blue Orpington we've only had for about three weeks.
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Hi! I'm new to BYC! I'm in Loma Linda, CA and we have 4 chickens- a buff Orpington, a blue Orpington, a lavender Easter Egger, and another Easter Egger. We've had them for 2 and a half months, except the blue Orpington we've only had for about three weeks.

Welcome to BYC! Beautiful chickens you have there.

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