
Looks like I have a case of dry fowl pox starting up. One of my birds has a few white raised spots on her comb. I cleaned her up and put VetRx on it. Not sure what else to do? I'm checking the other birds now. Clean water, clean bedding, fresh food, vitamins.... I mean, they're spoiled anyway so they should be ok?
Looks like I have a case of dry fowl pox starting up. One of my birds has a few white raised spots on her comb. I cleaned her up and put VetRx on it. Not sure what else to do? I'm checking the other birds now. Clean water, clean bedding, fresh food, vitamins.... I mean, they're spoiled anyway so they should be ok?

Poor baby! As if chickens didn't have enough going against them! Hope it doesn't spread and she'll be ok. @casportpony wrote some info on chicken diseases on BYC and I know she's posted some photos showing the progression of Fowl Pox and what was done to treat it if you can search it on BYC.
Poor baby!  As if chickens didn't have enough going against them!  Hope it doesn't spread and she'll be ok.  @casportpony
wrote some info on chicken diseases on BYC and I know she's posted some photos showing the progression of Fowl Pox and what was done to treat it if you can search it on BYC.

It's on my fluffy faverolle. She JUST started laying the other day and has been an absolute stress case about it. So I think she'll be fine once she calms down from the shock of THIS ROUND THING JUST CAME OUT OF ME or whatever it is they think when they start to lay! ;)

Here's Chamois, pre-pox, on top of the grow out coop, getting pets.


Iddy biddy eggs!
It's on my fluffy faverolle. She JUST started laying the other day and has been an absolute stress case about it. So I think she'll be fine once she calms down from the shock of THIS ROUND THING JUST CAME OUT OF ME or whatever it is they think when they start to lay!

Some chickens are so quiet about their first egg and some will pace and stress for days before getting that first egg layed. I have a Silkie that turns Drama Queen before EVERY egg she's ever layed for the last 41/2 yrs. Makes me think there must be something really physically wrong with her. The other Silkie is so quiet I never know she's layed an egg until we open the egg collection box.
Looks like I have a case of dry fowl pox starting up. One of my birds has a few white raised spots on her comb. I cleaned her up and put VetRx on it. Not sure what else to do? I'm checking the other birds now. Clean water, clean bedding, fresh food, vitamins.... I mean, they're spoiled anyway so they should be ok?

If possible to separate, it may reduce the spread to other chickens. I have found that to be helpful.
It is also possible to vaccinate the birds that are not showing signs and they will not get fowl pox. I have also found that to be helpful.
It is very uncomfortable for all of them, worse for the roosters if you have any.

If they develop wet pox, you may also see some pox around their beak. I have had some success with tube feeding them medicines to relieve the pain and help them heal (per my poultry vet) also more fluids, but the situation is not favorable.
Thanks for the info!

She's looking better already, so I'm hopeful but also being careful.

My barred rock makes the same sound for "I'm being attacked by a coyote!" as she does for "I laid an egg!" and "someone is in the nesting box I want to use!"

So much drama! :)
I have a friend that has 4 laying hens and 1 roo - Silver Laced Wyandotte. His birds look like this:


They are BEAUTIFUL, but he wants to sell them as a group to keep them together. He's asking $75 for all 5 birds. He's in Thousand Oaks, CA.

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