
As someone originally from Oregon I've never understood why Bakersfield is Central CA, and Sacramento area is Northern CA. I don't know, when I drive back home to Oregon for a visit, there is still a whole lot of CA once I get past Sacramento LOL

It's probably not so much that there's a lot more area of CA north of Sacramento but that there's not much population so maybe that's why the Northern bar is lower in the State of CA to encompass a balance of population numbers between North and South. I still can't figure out why Central CA is lumped into Northern CA but maybe because of population again -- since Southern CA is glutted w/ people too close for comfort. You can get tired of hearing the neighbors flush their toilet or yell at their kids or have dogwalkers let their canines poop on your new cut lawn!! The joys of suburban living!
I'm not sure I agree. I"m in Ventura County. Bakerfield is less than 2 hours north of me. I consider SLO as Central, not Bakersfield.

It is true that this thread is SUPER slow. I've met people, more local to me, on Facebook pages. I try to get them to come here, but it's too quiet.

Is anyone hatching anything right now? I have a dozen eggs of my own eggs under my broody silkies. I went a little nuts on Ebay and I am hatching 63 of those eggs in one of my incubators, and I won several BYC auctions, and I have those in another incubator. I just won ANOTHER auction on BYC, so I"ll set those next weekend. I am going to be hatching a dozen eggs for a local friend, and they should be here tomorrow or Wed.

I also have about 40 chicks in my bathroom, that I will hopefully move outside today.

Spring is always busier!!

This thread can be slow and other times moves faster than you can reply. It all depends. As for me and Facebook, all the various BYC threads keep me so busy that I refuse to add Facebook to my life. BYC is as social media as I care to have. Southern California is hard to find people hatching in the city. Gotta go to Riverside or Imperial or North L.A. to have rural areas. OC used to be a rural county decades ago and still has pockets of livestock but everything is getting edged out w/ new suburban communities. I lived on 25 acres in Vista in SD county but that acreage has since been divided up into new homes. I don't recognize my old home town any more! If anyone is hatching in the city it's on the QT. How fun that you can accommodate 40 chicks! My cottage is only zoned for 5 hens/no roos.
It's sure seems like spring here. It will be in the 80's next week ! I hatching Amen Cemani's

Only 80? We've had 90 degrees plus yesterday and today in the San Gabriel Valley. I feel like we're living in freakin' Las Vegas or AZ! I lost two fabulous hens to heat-related compromise last year so I'm getting nervous the summer is coming way too early again like last year! I've switched from flowers to cactus and succulents for the yard.
Only 80? We've had 90 degrees plus yesterday and today in the San Gabriel Valley. I feel like we're living in freakin' Las Vegas or AZ! I lost two fabulous hens to heat-related compromise last year so I'm getting nervous the summer is coming way too early again like last year! I've switched from flowers to cactus and succulents for the yard.
It was 90 here the past couple of days.

A while back there was a helpful hint thread. Random posts were picked to win a prize, so everyone was posting tips. One was someone takes ice cube trays and puts cut up fruit, corn, and other treats in, then fills it with water, or water with electrolytes, and freeze it. Drop a few of those cubes out for the hens on a hot day and it give them a cool treat. Even on the hottest days, my hens are in total shade, so they do ok, but I have trays of water out for them to jump in, and they do. I'm sorry you lost a few!
I hear ya. 80 isn't all that compared to what we have coming our way !!! I may have to put ceiling fans in my cages .
It was 90 here the past couple of days.

A while back there was a helpful hint thread. Random posts were picked to win a prize, so everyone was posting tips. One was someone takes ice cube trays and puts cut up fruit, corn, and other treats in, then fills it with water, or water with electrolytes, and freeze it. Drop a few of those cubes out for the hens on a hot day and it give them a cool treat. Even on the hottest days, my hens are in total shade, so they do ok, but I have trays of water out for them to jump in, and they do. I'm sorry you lost a few!

I don't leave out pans of water. They get filthy from dirty chicken feet and wild bird poop and then the chickens DRINK the muddy mess -- and then there's the mooching house sparrows that freeload so I don't leave out food or water for them. Brite Tap nipple valve waterers w/ ice cubes and treadle feeders for the chickens. I'm tired of battling the pooping wild birds. I only feed the hummingbirds.
Yeah. I have roofs on my single pens.

All my aviaries are open to the elements.. And all my free range prefer the open trees to the shed I leave open for them.

Another open avaiary under the pepper tree.

Another aviary with "Lattice" type roof and shade cloth...

Some of my roofed pens on the hill (you can see the empty spot on the left where I put that new one).

Are you next to a golf course?

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