Call Duck Assortment from Metzers

So at first I opened the box in the brooder but didn’t take them out, the runner tried to peck them but they all mostly ignored them. So I put all 3 in a cardboard box by the brooder. I took the two out and tried putting the smallest in with them (white call). The call was eyeing them up and then she kept trying to rev up her engine and then run over them on purpose. So she went back in the box. She’s doing well though.
Sounds about right! She is part of the big duck "flock" 😂
guessing they’re just too lazy to go grab different colors when they don’t need to lol. I guess that would be a strategy for people who want a specific color but only want a few ducklings. Just order one specific and the rest assorted and you’ll probably get a few of the chosen color
I've done rhat with chick orders before. Usually get one or two in the assortment that I ordered specifically as well
I’m guessing they’re just too lazy to go grab different colors when they don’t need to lol. I guess that would be a strategy for people who want a specific color but only want a few ducklings. Just order one specific and the rest assorted and you’ll probably get a few of the chosen color.
I like your thought process here! I bet you’re right, great strategy!
I love the duckie’s eyeliner 🥰
:barnieNaming animals is hard, especially when you’ve had so many before that half of the food names are taken. Also trying to find names that’ll be easy to say instead of long ones. I’ve decided on naming the white call Casper, and the penciled call with more yellow Cupid. I’m going to ask for help choosing the names, but keep in mind that I might just choose the opposite because I’d already kinda preferred the other option in my head iykwim. This was a week or two ago:


Here’s the options (pics from today):

Fawn and White runner:
-Banana (I don’t know about this one since it’ll be harder to say since it’s longer)
-Lily (Probably this one or Honey)
-Honey (Probably this or Lily)
-Ginger (I don’t know how much I like the name)
-Cherry (Probably naming the Magpie this)
-Maybe a suggested name

-Cherry (Most likely)
-Daisy (One of my friends who I’m sending pictures of the ducks too is named this so I don’t really know)
-Millie (I don’t know how much I like the name)
-Azalea (I don’t know how much I like the name)
-Suggested name

White Call:
-Casper (90% sure)

The darker one is slightly larger



Penciled Call with more yellow:
-Cupid (90% sure, she also has a heart on her forehead)

Penciled Call with more black:
-Daisy (One of my friends who I’m sending pictures of the ducks too is named this so I don’t really know)
-Suggested name
I’m not going to suggest any names, my animals are all named for things I love and am into that no one else would get. My birds are named in batches so I can keep records as they grow, but it’s what strikes my fancy at the moment.
My adult ducks are named after soccer teams, my turkeys are named after politicians and my geese are Lorenzo and Veronica Pellegrini (which means Pilgrim in Italian, but he’s the captain of my favorite soccer team).
I say name them each what you like and seems to fit their personality. They can always have middle names and nicknames as well 😆
I had a group of ducks that were named from characters in a tv show. Then I had a group that was named after drinks (Margarita, Kahlua, Bacardi, etc lol). Use whatever strikes your fancy. I found the bird “tells” me their name in some way.

I quit naming birds when I kept losing my favorites. And when I started breeding chickens that looked too much alike to tell apart.
But since I have fruit options for the normal sized ducks that’s what I’ll make those 2 (banana and cherry) to go with figgy ( , blackberry, and mango; but they aren’t here anymore). Cupid for the yellower penciled. Casper for the white call. And lacie or Millie for the darker call. Probably Lacie

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