Call Ducks Finally Hatched

It is! ;)
Can you see the difference of head shape??? Plus pipes mom has a flat head and her dads head is rounded....:plbb

His bill is slightly shorter, thus his head shape is slightly rounder... that has to do with typeyness, not gender...

And just because an offspring shows more physical traits from one parent over the other doesn't guarantee the gender of the offspring... just means they look more like that parent...
Are you saying my duck has a defect lol!

If it came down to a judges call in a show, it's possible... not that there is anything worng with the duckling, just that every breed is judged on having specific points being closer to that breeds standard as listed...

I have flat headed Calls... longer billed ones... even heavy weight ones... no biggie, they're just pet quality... not every one will turn out perfect to match a written standard...
Random question don't mind me. So i've been surfing the web an have looked at pretty much all hatcheries online that i know and still cant find any call ducks for sale! So my question is where do you get your call ducks?
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