Calling all pictures of Barnevelders

Do Barnvelders lay light and dark eggs?

Their eggs should be a darker brown. I guess some could lay a light brown. Here's an egg from my Barnie:

I bought them from a man close by who had a family emergency. He said they were purebred and couldn't find a rooster around here to breed them. He sold his entire flock in 30 mins about 30 chickens. I like my gabby girls! I like to make up dialog when they talk to each other. They are healthy and don't get sick. Lucky so far

They're very nice. A not so common breed, so I'm not surprised they sold fast!
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Beautiful! What kind of camera did you shoot the egg pics with? It is the coolest pic... layout, colors, etc.

Can't turn off the photography bug, either...
I hope you don't mind my asking you a couple of foolish questions, but I have some Silver Lakenvelders which, of course, are small birds. Are the Barnvelders standard size or banty sized?

Also, is there some kind of gentic link between the Barnvelder and Lakenvelder?

The coloration on the Barnvelders is gorgeous!

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