Calling all pictures of Barnevelders

Hello everyone,

Wondering if there is a way to tell Barnevelder chicks from Cream Legbar chicks. From pictures online I can't see any obvious differences. My chicks are 2 weeks old.

Cream Legbar males will have a large uneven headspot, most females lack a headspot, BUT some females show a very Faint/small headspot on the top of the head, now this headspot wont interrupt the chipmunk head patter.. this how the cream legbar usually look(check the male with a large uneven heaspot )
now a female with a headspot(remember what I said about not being large and affecting the chipmunk headstripe)
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Here are some pictures of my lovely Cockerel Barney and our first hatch of Barny and Velda's babies! our9 month old Buff Orpington cross hen was our broody my Barnevelder only goes broody around october time and I believe it's too late then to start rearing chicks not the best weather at that time.

The Easter babies 2 days old

Above and below Barney 10 months old

Velda (mum) 2years old
My first Barnevelder? egg. I got a quad (1Roo, 3Hens) off CL from someone that got them last year as chickies at an IN swap meet. They seem to be pure... More pictures when the weather is nice to follow. <3
The non-speckled egg is from a from my hatchery brown egg laying hens. (Comparison)

They are being kept separated so I can hatch some Barnie chicks in the near future, and see what happens!
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Hello, not sure if these are Barnevelder's or not? I am asking about the dark brownish black with a hint of purplish feather looking ladies. hey are about 12 weeks old in these pics.







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