Calling all pictures of Barnevelders

tls ranch-----EGADS--the blue laced are GORGEOUS!!
My supply of Barnies fell through so I got a BLRW and at a quick glance I thought yours were but doubled blue laced Barnies??--WOW--they are heavenly!
Thought I would give an updated photo of my girls. We now have 3 barnies, one of whom has decided to go broody, but we have just hatched some Australorps with our other broody (Hamburgh) so I would rather not give her fertile eggs to hatch for now (we are restricted in the number of chickens we can have).

I have found the Barnies to be lovely, food-oriented girls
, who lay very regularly. Not sure if they meet any standards, but we are not breeding, so it is not an issue for us. We just love having them!


And here they are playing hide and seek in the garden...



A FaverVelder?!? I thought the eggs were pure Salmon Faverolle, but it appears the Barnie roo was 'just in time'. They're healthy, clean legged, & orangy... my son called them Halloween chicks.
I look forward to seeing their eggs. We don't plan to make more of them, just had to share this with you.
Oh goodie a thread for barney pics! I posted a couple on the other Barnevelder thread but no one really cared lol.

Here are my two month old Barnevelders. I have two males and two females. I think they are going to be a favourite of mine, I can't believe their SHINE. Very cool. Not very good pics but what else is new.



Hi All
Anyone around Northern California have an extra Barneveler rooster they are willing to sell?
A fella in Sacramento area is asking me for one and I don't have an extra for him
Thought I would ask
PM me if you might

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