Can a chicken lay more than one egg a day?

hey chickensrdinos i like your user name lol i totally get it, i thought maybe i was the only one who thought there was a resemblance, but have all your double eggs all been soft shelled? and do you know if soft shelled eggs are still ok to eat if eaten without trying to store it first? thanks
hey chickensrdinos i like your user name lol i totally get it, i thought maybe i was the only one who thought there was a resemblance, but have all your double eggs all been soft shelled? and do you know if soft shelled eggs are still ok to eat if eaten without trying to store it first? thanks

Hello. All of the double eggs (both the 2 eggs a day eggs and the occasional double yokers) that my leghorn has laid have been regular hard shelled eggs. I have a Delaware that will sometimes lay soft shells. They are usually big egg splat messes with only a semi formed sad casing though, so not really salvageable.

I would be a little bit concerned about bacteria in eating them. With regular eggs they get that lovely bacteria proof coating and I'm not sure if the soft shell will get that or not. Better safe than sorry? I let my dogs eat those because they are not susceptible to the same bacteria as peoples. No waste but no worries that way.

Thanks about my name! The leading theory among most researchers in regards to the origin of birds is that birds are descendants of a group of theropod dinosaurs that evolved during the Mesozoic Era. I am completely in love with this thought. Plus my girls swallow mice whole like pythons and look like velociraptors when they are wet. Pet dinosaurs just might be the best thing ever!
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your chickens swallow mice? lol i dont know if i read that wrong or not
Mine have. At least half-grown mice, she thwacked it against a tree a time or two, I guess to tenderize it? Then flipped her head back and down the hatch! That's why they have gizzards, to grind up the food they swallow whole due to lack to teeth.
yes. swallow mice. :)

OMG - love that pic - lol... dont show the local cats
I was just about to ask if it was possible as well until I saw this thread. My Golden Lakenvelder is the only hen I have that lays white eggs and I collected two today, just a few hours apart. My first thought was "who else is laying white eggs?" She has been off the lay for the last few weeks as she is still fairly new to laying and only just started again yesterday. I think she must be trying to make up for lost time
my leggern that has been laying white eggs we flipped off the inside llight at night and i think got her schedule regulated and she has laid 3 JUMBO eggs like look like mini dinosaur eggs but they were one per day its almost like she either lays 2 a day most days that are soft or one huge one heh
that pic with the chick and the mouse is crazy !! i didnt know they could do that amazed by them once again
I have an EE who laid two in a 6 hour period on Saturday. Both were "pimply" (lots of those little weird calcium dots on both ends), but otherwise perfecto.

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