Can chicken keeping improve your health?

Absolutely, chickens can improve health:

Fresh eggs have improved Omega 3's, Vitamin E, as well as less cholesterol. A google search will turn up a comparison between free range and store bought eggs.

Chickens will keep the insect pests down. Less issues with ticks and fleas. Less garden pests.

Less garden pests + the black gold compost you can make from DL in coop and run will give you a fantastic garden with super healthy veggies. Compare those fresh veggies to store bought, and you will be convinced the store bought veggies are made of cardboard.

Exercise: I live in a raised ranch. I am up and down a full flight of stairs MANY MANY MANY TIMES/DAY to check on the birds, take them a treat, collect eggs.

Social: My birds and garden provide an incredible avenue to meet and interact with neighbors. Most recent interaction: a lady came to get eggs. Egg box was empty, so I came in to get some more eggs for her. When I returned, she was admiring my red Lupines. So, I sent her home with a bouquet of Lupine and Iris, plus the eggs. She spent a few minutes telling me about the very difficult winter she has had which included a shocking divorce after 42 years of marriage. She needed to talk, and I needed to listen.

Intellectual: My flock and the research that they inspire prevent my brain cells from getting stagnant.
Absolutely, chickens can improve health:

Fresh eggs have improved Omega 3's, Vitamin E, as well as less cholesterol. A google search will turn up a comparison between free range and store bought eggs.

Chickens will keep the insect pests down. Less issues with ticks and fleas. Less garden pests.

Less garden pests + the black gold compost you can make from DL in coop and run will give you a fantastic garden with super healthy veggies. Compare those fresh veggies to store bought, and you will be convinced the store bought veggies are made of cardboard.

Exercise: I live in a raised ranch. I am up and down a full flight of stairs MANY MANY MANY TIMES/DAY to check on the birds, take them a treat, collect eggs.

Social: My birds and garden provide an incredible avenue to meet and interact with neighbors. Most recent interaction: a lady came to get eggs. Egg box was empty, so I came in to get some more eggs for her. When I returned, she was admiring my red Lupines. So, I sent her home with a bouquet of Lupine and Iris, plus the eggs. She spent a few minutes telling me about the very difficult winter she has had which included a shocking divorce after 42 years of marriage. She needed to talk, and I needed to listen.

Intellectual: My flock and the research that they inspire prevent my brain cells from getting stagnant.
You’re awesome for taking the time to listen! We need more listeners in the world. Any doubts I had that chickens was a bad idea right now is gone lol. If nothing else, it’s a wonderful hobby that gets you out of the house.
Chickens have definitely made me happier, but i’ve also heard of therapy ducks. I feel like ducks are a bit smarter and you could probably keep one inside with you and potty train it. Just another idea for you. If you do get chickens though, you should raise them with lots of attention so that they don’t just seem like a chore. Get cute breeds like silkie, polish and Cochins that don’t lay many eggs. When they do lay some eggs you can just give them to friends. If you have cute breeds you can also get away with bringing them places lol. I love your idea!
Haha they would definitely be outdoor animals, but that a great idea! As much as I like the cute breeds, I researching more into heritage breeds right now.

If anyone has breed ideas please let me know, I’m not super knowledgeable in this area. I’m looking for friendly, heat tolerant, and not a super high egg production (dealt with too many sexlink and leghorn egg laying issues). If they’re a struggling breed then even better, although I wouldn’t be breeding.
Haha they would definitely be outdoor animals, but that a great idea! As much as I like the cute breeds, I researching more into heritage breeds right now.

If anyone has breed ideas please let me know, I’m not super knowledgeable in this area. I’m looking for friendly, heat tolerant, and not a super high egg production (dealt with too many sexlink and leghorn egg laying issues). If they’re a struggling breed then even better, although I wouldn’t be breeding.
I always wanted to have these ...,

I had to re-home my little flock of chickens when I lost access to the property where I kept them. I instinctively felt I needed some birds in my life for the improved physical, mental and social health as described very well by previous postings. So I switched to pigeons that don't need as much room on the ground. The loft is right outside my window squeezed into a 10x30 'yard'. I sometimes catch them looking in at me through the window.

Anyway- Check out the Euskal Oiloa, they are amazing!:D
I always wanted to have these ...,

I had to re-home my little flock of chickens when I lost access to the property where I kept them. I instinctively felt I needed some birds in my life for the improved physical, mental and social health as described very well by previous postings. So I switched to pigeons that don't need as much room on the ground. The loft is right outside my window squeezed into a 10x30 'yard'. I sometimes catch them looking in at me through the window.

Anyway- Check out the Euskal Oiloa, they are amazing!:D
Color me intrigued! That is exactly the sort of breed I’ve been looking for haha. The only other one I could really find was Andalusians? Thank you for the idea! Do you think that breed would be okay in the heat?
Color me intrigued! That is exactly the sort of breed I’ve been looking for haha. The only other one I could really find was Andalusians? Thank you for the idea! Do you think that breed would be okay in the heat?
From my research, yes! They are also able foragers. Probably less suited to confinement in a small coop/run. They are known to be very friendly.

Here is an old thread on the breed, maybe better termed a landrace?:confused: Thare are 3 varieties, including a naked neck.:D
From my research, yes! They are also able foragers. Probably less suited to confinement in a small coop/run. They are known to be very friendly.

Here is an old thread on the breed, maybe better termed a landrace?:confused: Thare are 3 varieties, including a naked neck.:D
Thanks for the link! Unfortunately I can’t free range, there’s just too many predators here and the land isn’t suited to it. Gosh, finding the right breeds is hard.
Chickens are definitely therapeutic for me. I am autistic, have Grave's disease and Lyme disease.

Autistic people often get along with and understand animals much better than people and for me they are the social part of my day and also part of my backyard ecosystem which I enjoy studying.

By designing a coop, run, feeder and waterer that can go for weeks on its own, I am free to do as much or as little as my health problems dictate while also getting exercise and fresh air. Interacting with my birds allows me to focus, helps with my executive function and lessens anxiety. With chickens, I never have to worry about misinterpreting what was said to me or my saying the wrong thing in response.

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