Can I give my chickens worms?

Wow, I didn't know that about earth worms and we have worm beds! They are outside and we feed them and use them mainly for fishing but I do feed them to the chickens too. Never had chickens get worms either, that I know of, but are my worms safe because we manage them even if they are outdoors?
So, to be clear, because I am curious about this too. At what age do the chicks have to be before feeding them anything other than starter mix?

Chicks44 - I actually started combing through the BYC posts in search of the answer to your question and there doesn't seem to be a consensus. Some people say absolutely nothing but starter until 16 weeks; other people seem to start giving treats almost from the get-go. It would be helpful to get an "expert" to weigh in on this.

Btw, there's an excellent "treat chart" for adult chickens on the site:
@Chicks_N_Horses: My guess is that you're fine as long as you're not adding bird manure to the worm bins. Like I said in an earlier post, the life cycle of the parasites is bird -> bird feces -> earthworm -> bird. If the compost worms are not eating bird feces, there should not be harmful parasites in the compost worms.
No, chicken poo never goes into it.

I worm compost, too!! (Isn't it amazing?! Most people think I'm weird for doing it). This is my first time raising chickens, and I was wondering about feeding them some worms when they are older. I have over 2,000, so I think I can spare some!! :)
I have ten 4 week red sex links. Can i give them red worms out of my garden? would I need to supply tiny rocks?

Sure- you get a double dose of worms from them! The ones they eat and the roundworms that are introduced to their gut since worms in the earth are a stage in the life cycle of this internal parasite.
You are worried about your chickens getting parasites from earth worms, but aren't you supposed to worm them with diatomaceous earth a few times a year?

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