Can week old chicks have apple cider and garlic?

I haven't used garlic, but I've been putting in a teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar per quart of water since my chicks came home at four days old. They are three weeks old now.
My japanese bantam hatched 5 chicks a week ago and im wondering if its safe to give them apple cider and garlic at such a young age. Thanks.
Really no reason to give them either IMO.
A good starter feed and plain clean water is what they need the most.
I especially would avoid the garlic as it can cause anemia.
I disagree with the other commentators. The ACV promotes beneficial probiotic growth; current research says the pectin is the key ingredient in this process. Once established, you can discontinue, and I would think that a few weeks of life would be sufficient for a chicken to get their gut flora established enough for nature to take its course thereafter. You can purchase probiotic supplements for your chicken as well, but ACV is cheap and simply promotes an already naturally occurring process. Research in general shows us, by evidence, that probiotics improve gut health in general and that gut health is related to overall health. Here is an excellent research reference that defines specific beneficial organisms and what they affect in chickens.
I disagree with the other commentators. The ACV promotes beneficial probiotic growth; current research says the pectin is the key ingredient in this process. Once established, you can discontinue, and I would think that a few weeks of life would be sufficient for a chicken to get their gut flora established enough for nature to take its course thereafter. You can purchase probiotic supplements for your chicken as well, but ACV is cheap and simply promotes an already naturally occurring process. Research in general shows us, by evidence, that probiotics improve gut health in general and that gut health is related to overall health. Here is an excellent research reference that defines specific beneficial organisms and what they affect in chickens.
A one day a week dosing of water with an active ACV(with the 'mother') can't hurt but,
long term and constant use can cause nutrient uptake problems.

Best way to boost immune system of chicks is to give them access to the ground they will live on,
either by brooding them with access to the chicken yard or,
putting a small chunk of sod from in or near the chicken yard into the brooder by end of first week.

Everything in moderation.

I stand by the garlic avoidance for chicks tho.
I save bubils from trimming garlic scapes and dole out just a few once a month or so to the adults.
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So true, but there's one report of vinegar fed to broiler chicks, somewhere, that showed a slight benefit. Broiler chicks, raised in close confinement, eaten at eight weeks max. Not a ringing endorsement for our (hopefully) more normal birds, expected to live long, and prosper. Everything else out there seems to be repeats of the same 'information', not based on any actual studies. Also, a Tbsp or so of vinegar in a waterer does what? What was the pH of the water in the first place? How does it improve the water? Free ranging birds get plenty of interesting 'stuff' in their crops, regardless of any vinegar offered. It no does no harm, but isn't the gold standard in poultry care, either. (Flame suit on!) Mary
Just recalled while discussing feed ingredients, then checked the tags I've saved to confirm, many starter/grower feeds have several probiotics in them already.

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