Can you identify my chicks?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 12, 2014
Hi everyone! I'm new here and definitely new to the world of chickens! I've always wanted to get chickens and as soon as I was presented with the opportunity, I jumped on it. So, my brother and I went to the local feed store with set intentions on which breeds we would get and what gender, hoping for good layers. However, all they had was an assorted mix of "extra" straight-run chicks. The lady at the store didn't seem to know much of anything to tell us about them except if they had feathery feet or not (which was kind of obvious.) Sooooo needless to say, we brought home 4 of the sweet babies.

Basically, I reallyyyy want to know what breed these guys are, if you can help! I THINK we have two females and two males. I believe they were only one or two days old when we got them, so they are about 1 1/2 weeks old.


I think this one is female. She is extremely tiny! Of course, she has the chipmunk markings so that really narrows the breed down, doesn't it? ;)


I believe this one is also female. She's a bit bigger than the first one and is really flighty right now! When her feathers first started coming in, I thought they would be white. But then I started noticing the brownish spots near the top so I'm totally clueless.



I couldn't get this guy to stay still for the camera! He's a bit larger and after doing some research I THINK he might be a Langshan? But what do I know, I'm here to ask you guys! ;D


This guy is pretty big, too. Although it's hard to see, his face reminds me of the mean chick from the movie "Hop"!

I just want to go ahead and thank you guys in advance for your help! I'm so glad I found this community! Sorry for the kinda long post! :)
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Welcome to BYC!!

They are a bit young and I am not too good at this, but I can tell you that the first one looks like an Easter Egger because of the chipmunk pattern and the dark legs.

The second one is probably not a Cochin or Brahma. I'm just as confused as you about that brown on the tops of the feathers! No clue.

Third one looks like a black Cochin, minus that bizarre white feather.

Fourth looks like a Buff Orpington.

Not going to guess on the sex right now as it is way too early, but by 5-8 weeks it should be more obvious!
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The first one could be an Old English Game bantam, they can have slate colored legs and your chick is beardless, which is a classic EE trait (but beardless EEs are very common).

#2 is a buff or red Cochin, I've found in hatchery and TSC chicks, these 2 colors leave a lot to be desired. They almost always have smut, those brown or black places in the feathers.

#3 is a black Cochin, the white feathers will shed out as it continues to grow feathers.

#4 appears to be a buff Orp.

Good luck with them :)
Thank you guys! Those are all beautiful birds and my babies are growing up so fast! I'm thinking about getting 2 barred rock hens but I think these guys are Banties and I want to get standard rocks. I'm in a dilemma!
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I would say # 4 is a BO like the others were saying and #1 is OEGB. Are the Barred Rocks you want to get hens or chicks? If they are hens your chicks and them can not be together for awhile. If they are chicks then it will probably work out fine. I know many people with a mixed flock of banties and standards. When you first get the BR (if they are chicks) don't just put them straight into the brooder with your banties. Separate them for awhile but where they can see each other. I wouldn't wait much longer at all if you plan on getting the BR as chicks to add to this flock.
Ozarkchicks, they're chicks! We are hoping to order them this Tuesday. Thank you for your feedback :)
So the babies are finally a month old and have grown a lot but I'm still not sure about their breeds! They've grown so much and then there's this one weird comb... You guys will see! :)


This is Tilly! She could be an OEGB but I'm not so sure. I've noticed she has some white-ish marks and feathers coming in around her shoulders. And I guess I say she hopefully because I caught her trying to crow the other day... I think. (She was standing in the crowing position and making crow-like screeches.) Anyways, she (it) is the tiniest one!



This is Buttercup and she has grown so much! I'm pretty sure she's a Buff Cochin and I'm pretty sure she's a she but I just really wanted you guys to see how fluffy she is! Teehee! :)


This is Tupeck (named by my younger brother) who, yet again, wouldn't stay still for the camera. We think he's a black Cochin. His feathers are rough and he has really really long legs!



Finally, this is Lil' Wing (also named by my brother). We think he's a buff Orpington. His come is weird though. It's mostly flat and looks like it has a hole in it. Is this normal?

Thank you guys in advance for your help!
Well, I'm new at this, but the third one looks just like one of my little bantam roosters whom I have also decided must be a black Cochin. Maybe we are both right. As far as the others, I really have no idea. They are all very cute though.

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