Can you use a dog shock collar to teach a rooster to stop crowing?

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You'll kill the bird... birds are not dogs.
i tried it once when someone was tring to talk me into one.. i even put a thick sweater between me and it... OUCH OMG OUCHHHHH!
dont do it on anyone or anything it is cruel and inhumane, indogmane, and inchickmane!!!!
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I agree with the rest that say not to do it. I'm not exactly "pro-animal", I mean I believe in treating them with respect and acknowledging that they're living beings etc, but I still see myself "above" them I guess you could say? Stopping a rooster from crowing is something that should never be done in my opinion, it isn't just noise and I'll always tell people what the others said. "If you don't like it, then get rid of him." Someone else may like it anyway, I know I love hearing the sounds of a rooster crowing. Especially gamefowl since they have a very distinct crow, kind of melodious unlike most farm breeds that have the deep-horse like crows. Can't think of a better day than a bright sun, in a semi-cool fall day with 20 different gamecocks sounding off their crows answering back to each other all day long while the hens cluck and the small song birds in the trees around here chirp away with a gentle breeze blowing.

Try it on yourself first, you'll be surprised.

Animal abuse charges are taken VERY seriously in Wisconsin.
That is one of the most horrible questions I have ever heard. Find a new home for him if his crowing bothers you !!!! Poor guy, do not put the collar on him. Throw it away instead.
I don't even see HOW it would be possible. As someone else mentioned, those devices weigh quite a bit, even the ones for small dogs. Also, the collars have to be worn pretty daggone tight to insure that those prong things are against the skin. I would think putting a collar device on a rooster tight enough to insure that contact would strangle the rooster (they have tiny necks compared to even the smallest of dogs). Plus all of the other reasons mentioned about it being a VERY BAD idea...
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