Can you visably sex guinea fowl?

Both of my hens have large, cupped wattles, and are definitely females. I would not use that method to even guess at the sex of guineas, as it would just be a guess.

As I said it is not 100% accurate. None of my hens have the large cupped wattles but I did have males with the small flat wattles. I suspect that wattle size may also be somewhat determined by the color of the guineas since all of my blue male guineas seem to have smaller wattles than the other colors.
Just saying that makes it a guess, plain and simple. Both males and females can have either. Voice sexing is definitive, as males can't possibly make the two-toned noise the females can.

You are correct. Although very rare, there have been claims of males making the two-toned sound of the females. The only positive identification is if they lay eggs they are hens. I can do a high percentage accurate vent sexing of adult guineas.
All very interesting. I need to listen closer to them. I /think/ they make the female sound, but they are so noisy I just try to block them out most of the time. Lol.
That'll be good. My two easter egger hens I got around the same time just started laying a bit ago. The more eggs, the merrier.

They can be bred by a chicken rooster, right? I only have a bantam rooster who hasn't been able to hit the mark, but one of my new chicks is a rooster and I might keep him depending of if he decides to sneak attack me or not.
My understanding is that yes a chicken rooster can breed with a guinea hen. There are a few threads on here about that.
How old is your bantam rooster? I have one and as he matured he got better at hitting the mark. Sometimes it comes with age lol.
And the sneak attack is never fun i just had remind one of my boys who is in charge.
He's about a year old. He's my only bantam. All my girls are full sized. Not to be too vulgar, but when I've seen him trying he just does his business on their back. I just keep him around cause he's cute and funny. And there's not a mean bone in him.

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