Canadians check in here....

Sounds good heartsizedfarm
My two cents worth is this; dont get too caught up in the breed per se...for example when we started out as backyard flockers, two breeds I had heard were tame/lovely/docile (Barred rocks and buff orpingtons) turned out to be the biggest bummers of all. I have found that the best breeders to buy ready to lay birds from will handle them often, and treat their birds like pets. Also, you can 'try them out'; touch them, hold them, see how flighty or skittish they are/aren't...many times I have heard folks say 'oh my rooster is so tame my kids handle him'...biiiiig difference between a roo that cuddles and clucks in your arms and one that has barely managed historically not to spur the kids....yet.
You won't go wrong with Flat Rock's advice
Aw thanks Sterkfarm

My personal favorite breed are my Euskal Oiloas, LOVE them!! They are a super friendly, curious breed. Hens are lovely, MOST boys are fine but I have had some bad ones and they have no place in my barn. They are a joy to have and highly recommend them
Hmmm...dates. Next weekend is obviously out being Easter and all. Weekend following I have a poultry show in Simcoe (spectators welcome!) and tree planting Sunday. What is everyone else's schedule? I might be pretty booked until mid may, lol!
There's a poultry show in Simco? That's my way! hmmmmmm ... scratches chin ...
Mid May sounds perfect. Because the plants at the nurseries are so tempting but no point until frost fear is past right?
Youcan always cover with clear plastic ~ that's what they all do here in Norfolk. It greenhouses the young plants. I got some pansies today ~ could NOT resist. I NEED COLOUR!!
A challenge show is a show where clubs compete as teams against other clubs. So our club will bring five birds from each category (standard cock, cockerel, pullets and hens, bantams, pigeons and rabbits) compete against three other clubs. Club with most points at the end of the day wins. So one club may bring a very different variety of say, standards, than our club, but they are all competing against each other. The bird that is the best example of their breed out of that group wins! Sort of confusing but sounds like a lot of fun.
Our club provides food this year, another provides the judge etc. I think it's a nice way to get to know other poultry people! If you are not already, I highly recommend joining your poultry association!
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