Caruncles on back of neck?


Free Ranging
Aug 16, 2021
St Augustine, FL
I have an all male flock, mainly muscovy drakes and a little crested pekin that thinks he's a muscovy.

The muscovy drakes get on ok, with only occasional bickering, and I am not sure who is "top duck" . The daft little pekin thinks he is top duck, but that's another story and he is certainly not top of the pecking order.

One of the boys, a white muscovy, has had disagreements with one of the others but no major fights or upsets that I have sern or heard, and they all hang out together in the back garden.

I was surprised that the white muscovy has increasingly obvious bare red patches on his neck. Surprised as in the bickering I have seen, he is the aggressor. Today, I found that another drake has a small red place on the back of his neck: when I examined it, it was not a wound where feathers had been pulled out. It was a very healthy looking caruncle. So I caught the white muscovy who isn't fond of being handled, and took a good look at him. He too doesn't have bald patches from feathers being pulled out . He has lots of very healthy looking carruncles on the back of his neck.

Are back of neck carruncles common? Normal?
I have an all male flock, mainly muscovy drakes and a little crested pekin that thinks he's a muscovy.

The muscovy drakes get on ok, with only occasional bickering, and I am not sure who is "top duck" . The daft little pekin thinks he is top duck, but that's another story and he is certainly not top of the pecking order.

One of the boys, a white muscovy, has had disagreements with one of the others but no major fights or upsets that I have sern or heard, and they all hang out together in the back garden.

I was surprised that the white muscovy has increasingly obvious bare red patches on his neck. Surprised as in the bickering I have seen, he is the aggressor. Today, I found that another drake has a small red place on the back of his neck: when I examined it, it was not a wound where feathers had been pulled out. It was a very healthy looking caruncle. So I caught the white muscovy who isn't fond of being handled, and took a good look at him. He too doesn't have bald patches from feathers being pulled out . He has lots of very healthy looking carruncles on the back of his neck.

Are back of neck carruncles common? Normal?
I obviously have no experience with muscovies, my girlies dont have carruncles lol
But could you get a photo?
I've never heard of that before!
I obviously have no experience with muscovies, my girlies dont have carruncles lol
But could you get a photo?
I've never heard of that before!
My Muscovy drake has them too. My husband actually pointed them out to me today. [of course I knew they were there already ] It's normal.
Well Daffy was not going to cooperate with a photo and I don't have three hands. This photo plus a video of me struggling with one hand to get him to put his head down is the best I can do. Definitely a carruncle on the back of his neck.

Butter, I didn't try and hold to get a photo. He's not a cuddly boy and has only been with me for 3 months. We are still building our relationship. His carruncles are in a V from the corners of his facial carruncles, and in a second V about 2 inches lower down his neck. I couldn't work out who could have pulled all those feathers out of that boy. He is big,
young and far more confrontational than Daffy. I'm glad to know they are carruncles not scars of war!!!
I have an all male flock, mainly muscovy drakes and a little crested pekin that thinks he's a muscovy.

The muscovy drakes get on ok, with only occasional bickering, and I am not sure who is "top duck" . The daft little pekin thinks he is top duck, but that's another story and he is certainly not top of the pecking order.

One of the boys, a white muscovy, has had disagreements with one of the others but no major fights or upsets that I have sern or heard, and they all hang out together in the back garden.

I was surprised that the white muscovy has increasingly obvious bare red patches on his neck. Surprised as in the bickering I have seen, he is the aggressor. Today, I found that another drake has a small red place on the back of his neck: when I examined it, it was not a wound where feathers had been pulled out. It was a very healthy looking caruncle. So I caught the white muscovy who isn't fond of being handled, and took a good look at him. He too doesn't have bald patches from feathers being pulled out . He has lots of very healthy looking carruncles on the back of his neck.

Are back of neck carruncles common? Normal?
I believe it is normal. All my males had them.

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