Cayuga Calls


May 22, 2020
Austin, TX
We have two 3-month-old cayuga (presumed) females. They are so fun and beautiful. We love them. However, one of them is particularly noisy. I expect the noise with ducks of course. She is only noisy when I walk away, or when I am behind a bush or something. Once she loses sight of me, she quacks as loudly as she can for a good 3-5 minutes straight. The other one only makes this quack when she is startled.
If we lived out in the country I wouldn't worry too much, but we live in the city. Does anyone have any ideas on why she would be doing this? Is it some severe attachment?
my ducks do the same thing, they even stand by the door and quack. i was hoping they’d grow out of it, but my pekin boy is almost 2 and still does it 😂

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