Chair by the Chicken Coop Club

I have a bench instead of a chair...since I am usually sharing it with someone else :rolleyes:
081913 Gaela bench.JPG
Cluckingham Palace!!! I love it!!! :love:love:love Do you have a pic of the back of your bench? I like your hen yard, too!

I'll get a pic of the front of the bench and post tomorrow. It was on clearance and I couldn't NOT pick it up! My daughter surprised me for my birthday last year with a "Cluckingham Palace" sign and that's were we got the name! But it isn't really made for outside so I'm trying to figure out where I can hang it where the weather won't ruin it! :)
View attachment 1186788 View attachment 1186787 Looking for my club membership card. Crazy x3 here. The first picture is inside of our run where we like to sit and watch our babies in their pond. If you will notice that first picture is taken by a security camera which we can watch from any chair inside or outside our home or anyone else's home lol. The second picture is inside the coop and you can see our little girl Lucky, the chair and table we sit at and have coffe with our ducks in the evening before they go to bed. Yes we could be considered certifiable lol.
And I thought I was spoiling my girls, lol! Your coop is nicer than our house! Seriously, you have an awesome set up for your feathered babies, they are very fortunate to have you as their daddy! I'm going to show my hubby your pics so that he can see that I am not the only one who can be considered certifiable! :lau With your set up, I think you should be nominated for President of the Club! :bow
I'll get a pic of the front of the bench and post tomorrow. It was on clearance and I couldn't NOT pick it up! My daughter surprised me for my birthday last year with a "Cluckingham Palace" sign and that's were we got the name! But it isn't really made for outside so I'm trying to figure out where I can hang it where the weather won't ruin it! :)
Coat your sign in Shellac...that will protect it from the weather. :)
Oh definetly!! I don't have a pic, but as long as its warm, I've been getting home from work, grabbing a beer and hanging out with the ladies. I honestly can't get over how therapeutic it is... watching chickens be chickens.
You must be my twin - I have the exact same ritual. If I end up getting a rooster, his name will be Bud (Light). :gigYou are so right about chickens being therapeutic. They make my day when I get home from work and they all come running up to the fence to see me when they hear me let the huskies out. They even line up at the fence around 5:00p because they know I'm coming with the goodies!

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