Chantecler Breeder and Owner Database Project

Very nice website, I like that they make the distinction between the White Chantecler and the Partridge Albertan !

I see them as two separate distinct breeds, and both worthy of breeding.

Lest there be any confusion, they are two separate and distinct breeds despite the fact that they share part of their names.
Right on, that needs to be emphasized, often, two excellent breeds, well worth keeping in their own right. Albertans and Chanteclers. It is very unfortunate that the American Poultry Association for whatever ill-advised notion lumped them together. It makes about as much sense as lumping Belgian and Percheron draft horses as the same breed.

Its something that needs to be corrected. This is a good place to start.

The Chantecler is a winter hardy dual purpose White breed developed by a Monk in Quebec, and the Albertan is a winter hardy dual purpose Partridge breed developed by the University in Alberta and were named then as the Albertan. Its pretty simple.
I purchased a variety of chicks from Cackle in the Happy Cackle Special. It came with 10 rare chicks , and I ended up with 4 White Chanteclers. I was very surprised since the site says they'r sold out for 2013. I did order back in the begining of February and the chicks came in April.

I'd love to see how these develop! I like Cackle hatchery. They just added the white Chantecler to their roster this year.
Right on, that needs to be emphasized, often, two excellent breeds, well worth keeping in their own right. Albertans and Chanteclers. It is very unfortunate that the American Poultry Association for whatever ill-advised notion lumped them together. It makes about as much sense as lumping Belgian and Percheron draft horses as the same breed.

Its something that needs to be corrected. This is a good place to start.

The Chantecler is a winter hardy dual purpose White breed developed by a Monk in Quebec, and the Albertan is a winter hardy dual purpose Partridge breed developed by the University in Alberta and were named then as the Albertan. Its pretty simple.
I've sorta been kicked out of Chantecler Fanciers International, for a couple of reasons, one of them being this very issue.

I have Partridge and White, and it is very apparent when you have them together that they are not the same birds. The literature from the formation of these birds was very clear on the fact that they are not the same. One good thing about the whites is that there are still birds that trace back to Oka. I haven't been able to verify if any of the partridge that are out and about now go back to original stock. I think that most are re-creations, and that is one reason it is so hard to come up with consistency. That has been my experience, anyway.

My personal goal is to not only breed birds of quality and substance from the outside, but to choose stock that exhibits the production values they were originally bred for as well. If you use the ALBC breeder evaluation information, it will go a long way towards helping in that goal. Once I started doing that to choose breeders, I found that it corresponded with my personal observations. IE, the birds with the best pelvic spread and pelvic to keel spread ratios were indeed the best layers. Hopefully in this way, not only will I have birds that fit the SOP, I will have birds that function well in the homestead. I also use these ratios for my roosters, and choose based on weight and breast development. Very cool to watch the changes come about in succeeding generations.
I've sorta been kicked out of Chantecler Fanciers International, for a couple of reasons, one of them being this very issue.

Last time I checked, which I admit was 3-4 years ago, Chantecler Fanciers International kept their breeder list private, you had to be a club member (dues paying) in order to see the list.

I was happy when this thread appeared, thinking that there might be a public list as a result. Unfortunately, the thread starter seems to have disappeared (only one post in the last three years or so).
Last time I checked, which I admit was 3-4 years ago, Chantecler Fanciers International kept their breeder list private, you had to be a club member (dues paying) in order to see the list.

I was happy when this thread appeared, thinking that there might be a public list as a result. Unfortunately, the thread starter seems to have disappeared (only one post in the last three years or so).
Yes, I think he disappeared, but the thread lives on. And, yes, you do have to be a dues paying member to see the breeders list with CFI. I stuck with them for 3 years, and promoted them and was active on the forum. The secretary is in the same state, and actually helped me get my first birds. He is very controlling, and actually deletes forum posts he doesn't agree with. One thing he doesn't agree with is breeding for dual purpose. He is very adamant that CFI is a show only club. Very confusing to me.
I suspect he is doing good things for Chanteclers in his own way. But, he does chase some people off. It's too bad that there doesn't seem to be room for more than one point of view.

I don't own any Chanteclers at the moment. I doubt that would be the case if I'd had an easier time finding others interested in the breed. But, he might think that is a good thing because I would have have had sole (or even primary) focus on show qualities. I'm more interested in utility. Ah well.
Yes, I think he disappeared, but the thread lives on. And, yes, you do have to be a dues paying member to see the breeders list with CFI. I stuck with them for 3 years, and promoted them and was active on the forum. The secretary is in the same state, and actually helped me get my first birds. He is very controlling, and actually deletes forum posts he doesn't agree with. One thing he doesn't agree with is breeding for dual purpose. He is very adamant that CFI is a show only club. Very confusing to me.

Actually the list is posted on the home page of CFI now days, the only things "private to members" are newsletter archives, photo albums, and the ability to post on the forums.

In a recent discussion of the pelvic/keel relating to egg production Mike has shown his ability to "change". Perhaps your letter to him with your comments have made the club a better club indeed. The forum is open to read the discussions, perhaps worth a review.

Breeding to the SOP (esp the higher original weights) will produce birds that provide the original intent of the breed. Careful selection of your egg layers for breeding will get the production back to the intended goals.

I find your idea interesting/valuable in trying to bring in another line from Quebec,,good luck and please keep us posted.
Actually the list is posted on the home page of CFI now days, the only things "private to members" are newsletter archives, photo albums, and the ability to post on the forums.

In a recent discussion of the pelvic/keel relating to egg production Mike has shown his ability to "change". Perhaps your letter to him with your comments have made the club a better club indeed. The forum is open to read the discussions, perhaps worth a review.

Breeding to the SOP (esp the higher original weights) will produce birds that provide the original intent of the breed. Careful selection of your egg layers for breeding will get the production back to the intended goals.

I find your idea interesting/valuable in trying to bring in another line from Quebec,,good luck and please keep us posted.
Thank you for this information. The "episode" you've mentioned was extremely hurtful to me, and I have not made any effort to review the forum. If I did open some eyes, then it was worth the temporary pain. I am surprised that any one else knew about the letter. Can I ask how you know this? I've not really mentioned it to anyone other than a couple of other people until now. It was supposed to be private information.

The Quebec introduction is something I've been exploring for a couple of years. I am interested in the historical aspect of the breed. My father's family was from Quebec. I hope to be able to go to Quebec by this fall, but even if I don't the import will be happening next year. I'm slowly trying to learn some French, but I'm old.

Thanks again for letting me know this. It is appreciated.

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