Chattanooga, TN (surrounding areas) CHICKEN LOVERS

Anyone have any ducks or pullets for sale?
My daughter just had 10 pekin ducks hatch this last weekend. I will need to ask her if she is selling now. She's also got 38 more eggs she will be starting in the incubator tomorrow, so if you like pekin and can wait 28 days. I know she'll be selling some of them.

p.s. I raise bantam & LF cochin - only =10 newly hatched (5 days old) & another 94 in the works. So, I will have available birds in a few weeks/months if interested in Cochins.
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My daughter just had 10 pekin ducks hatch this last weekend. I will need to ask her if she is selling now. She's also got 38 more eggs she will be starting in the incubator tomorrow, so if you like pekin and can wait 28 days. I know she'll be selling some of them.

p.s. I raise bantam & LF cochin - only =newly hatched (5 days old) & another 94 in the works. So, I will have available birds in a few weeks/months if interested in Cochins.

Will you have any lemon blue?
Will you have any lemon blue?
Not in my bantam, At least probably not this season, pullets too young.
As for LF, maybe, might have gotten one out of the first 10 I hatched. Time will tell. My LF Blue is not getting much action (if any at all) because of his big brother (buff), plus at this time I only have one buff hen. Plus, I assume it may take at least to the 2nd generation to get the gene mix in & breed from there.

I too love the lemon blue and would love to concentrate on that color. I'm rather new to this and I've built up my flocks with some really good stock from show quality breeders but now I am at the point I have to decide exactly which colors/birds I will be wanting to keep to concentrate on color, quality etc.

It's hard for me because I love all my birds. Last night I sold three of the original bantam cochins I bought. It was kind a of sad for me but they were pure blk and barred. I've decided I don't want any blk or barred in the mix.

So anyways, like I said all new to me and I'm excited to see what I end up with and all the little ones I'm expecting in a few weeks..
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I'm in Ringgold Ga, 15 min south of Chattanooga. Any of you guys know a good carpenter that will build me a good looking reasonably priced coop to house 6-8 chickens, with a run?
I'm in Ringgold Ga, 15 min south of Chattanooga. Any of you guys know a good carpenter that will build me a good looking reasonably priced coop to house 6-8 chickens, with a run?
My husband & son-in-law could possibly get with you & see what your ideas are and come up with an estimate. They are both very "handy" and have built the coops/run for both our houses.
We have 4 large walk-in covered pens (coop/run) & they have two greenhouse style completely covered walk-in pens.
We've all learned alot about building and have done many redo's just gong through the process and finding out what works and doesn't.

I will ask them and if they say they may be interested I will PM you back. I can tell you, they probably will prefer to do it when it warms up slightly and being both work it would be a weekend project for them.
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Not in my bantam, At least probably not this season, pullets too young.
As for LF, maybe, might have gotten one out of the first 10 I hatched. Time will tell. My LF Blue is not getting much action (if any at all) because of his big brother (buff), plus at this time I only have one buff hen. Plus, I assume it may take at least to the 2nd generation to get the gene mix in & breed from there.

I too love the lemon blue and would love to concentrate on that color. I'm rather new to this and I've built up my flocks with some really good stock from show quality breeders but now I am at the point I have to decide exactly which colors/birds I will be wanting to keep to concentrate on color, quality etc.

It's hard for me because I love all my birds. Last night I sold three of the original bantam cochins I bought. It was kind a of sad for me but they were pure blk and barred. I've decided I don't want any blk or barred in the mix.

So anyways, like I said all new to me and I'm excited to see what I end up with and all the little ones I'm expecting in a few weeks..

I would definitly work on the lemon blue because they are a very pretty bird and not that easy to find. I had a pair a couple yrs ago but a hawk got them. The pen door was open and it landed and walked in the door to get them. Keep me in mind if you do get any now or later on. Good luck
I have a question for the group. I am doing some research on what breed of chicken to get. From everything I have read, the Buff Orpington seems to be the best docile, quiet, good egg layers. I am wanting to start out with 4-6 hens. Any thought or suggestions?
I have 2 orpington's(Buff and Black) I bought for the same reasons and because they are great brooders. However, after getting the Delawares and Barred rocks they also have calm, docile personality's--but are outlaying everything else I have, with jumbo eggs to boot!
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I have a question for the group. I am doing some research on what breed of chicken to get. From everything I have read, the Buff Orpington seems to be the best docile, quiet, good egg layers. I am wanting to start out with 4-6 hens. Any thought or suggestions?

In my experience the temperment depends on the bird. Most of the hatchery birds I have gotten are not as docile as birds you get from an individual. The Orpington's are good birds and fairly easy to find if you are just starting out. Everyone on here has a favorite breed so its really is just hit or miss trying to find a bird that fits with your personallity. If you are just wanting them for eggs the production reds have out did my other birds most of the time. Trust me when you start out with as little as 6 it will turn into 60 in no time and you will have your favorites. Good Luck

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