Chattanooga, TN (surrounding areas) CHICKEN LOVERS

Warning! to those going to the trade day at TSC--Get there early!! Everything happens early and by the hot of the day (noon) most everyone is packed up/ sold out. It's the strip mall behind Sonic, I believe.
Yes, although it says 10am-2pm, we've noticed twice when we went that many must have showed up earlier but then again there were some late comers to. We plan on being there like 9am.
True about "hot of the day" but doubt we have to worry about it this weekend - lol. Matter of fact I want to take some 2 week olds but I'll have to play it by ear with the temps.

Also, take precautions (wormer, oxine, vetrx, b-complex vit. limit contact, isolation etc. etc. etc.) pre, during & post with your chickens, can't be too careful with "stuff" thst can be carried in and around the area.

I'll have nothing but Cochins & buff brahmas, so if you see me holler. Hope to meet some of your there.
I have 6 pure German New Hampshire chicks,three are little over a week old and three about a month old. I also have a
breeder quality pair of White Wyandotte largefowl.
pm with any questions.
Hi I live in Decatur Tn. Thats near Watts Bar Dam
The names Alva

I have Rhode Island Reds and Barred Rocks.
I also have a few Black Coppers
This is the first year that I have hatched chicks and now I'm hooked.
The area I live in has the nickname Chicken Roost so I think that shall be my little
farms name.
Nice to meet you all
Hi I live in Decatur Tn. Thats near Watts Bar Dam
The names Alva

I have Rhode Island Reds and Barred Rocks.
I also have a few Black Coppers
This is the first year that I have hatched chicks and now I'm hooked.
The area I live in has the nickname Chicken Roost so I think that shall be my little
farms name.
Nice to meet you all
Welcome Alva - nice of you to join are thread.. I love the name Chicken Roost for a farm name

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