Chattanooga, TN (surrounding areas) CHICKEN LOVERS

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I just joined Backyardchickens today. Not sure if I need to do something other to join this particular Chattanooga forum? I am in the hwy 58 area and currently thinking of trying to raise a few chickens. Not really settled on which breed, but have a few in mind. Looking forward with keeping up with this chattanooga forum, if someone will tell me what I need to do.
Not looking at getting a large flock, maybe 6-8 birds or so. I have a fenced yard, so plan on letting them free range a lot and put in at coop at nite.
Any suggestions are welcome and I would love to come see some of y'alls chickens that are close by. I was planning a trip to Hudsons Family Farm in Trenton to take a look around at there chickens....anyone been there yet, I think they are fairly new.
Anyway, so to be so long winded, just wanted to introduce my self, kinda sorta :)

Retired Firefighter from Chattanooga, so I am not a spring chicken by any means.


Hey Jim! Welcome.
You need to do nothing extra to join this thread. If you'd like you can look at the top and click the "Subscribe" link and the thread will be easier to find.
I have not been to that farm before.
There are quite a few of us in the 58 hwy area, or close by. Look forward to chatting with you!

Welcome Jim - glad to have you join us. Our little group is slowly growing slowly and it is nice to know there are others in a closer proximity to share knowledge, network.

I am ones of those right off north Hwy.58

Do you think you will only want pullets/hens or are you wanting roos to breed etc. If to breed, what do you think you would like to start with?

I'm new to the chicken world, June of last year and I am learning new things everyday. As for now, I started in the fall acquiring good/great stock of Cochins, bantam & LF. This is going to be my priorty, so now I am trying to learn
all I can about genetics, color mixing etc. There is alot to learn so I'm taking baby steps.

Again, welcome & looking forward to chatting
I should pay you to come take pic's of my flock Stacy. LOL Great pics!
Heather came home from her friends house and went nuts over the Trio (blue and buff's). My White Rooster is really jealous of the big black roo I got from you. The kids renamed him Big Mac. They are pretty persistent about the name too.
The brahma's are a family favorite too. He did not kill me after all....roflmao!
Thanks Angel & I'm sure we can work out a trade: pics for chicks sometime -lol

So, glad EVERYONE, lol, was happy! Mike was like, "what you just gave her those chicks?", I told him, "stick to fishing and leave the chicken dealing to me" - LMAO
I would have loved to keep more of the buff brahmas for a starter flock but you saw how my pens are rather specific (other than the laying hens). You can bet I won't give up trying and I usually get my way eventually with a little
- lol.

Glad "Big Mac"
has an official name now and I know he's in good hands and will be loved & cared for.

The two Amercauna girls layed me each an egg the next day. They (the eggs) are so very close in color to my other two but I think I held back at least two for hatching. I wish I could tell the difference so I could hold more. Ummm, what if I put them in with the lf cochins? I could at least tell the difference, but if Blue Man gets to them, how long would I know the eggs would stll only be fertilized by the roo you had them with?

Oh and thanks (I think - lol) for the genetics reading material. Being slightly OCD in these types of things, it really has me over thinking and slightly overwhlemed about all this "correct" breeding practices etc. BUT I do want to be as a "responsible" breeder as possible eventually. BUT I'm sure I'm not the first newbie that is just excited right now to see what offspring I get from what I have right now. As far as all this "responsible" breeding thing goes (and I hope our thread here never gets into the ugliness about this issue), I totally see the point, BUT another part of it I feel is also being honest on the part of the breeder to not mis-represent and/or be up front about admitting you may not know exactly the linage etc etc. etc. yadda yada yadda.

Speaking of, see I've already learned something: I wasn't completely wrong about the lemon-blue BUT I learned that a blue X buff has the potential of getting you offspring that will be mixed BUT it would be considered a "false" lemon-blue and not true to the genetics of a "true" lemon-blue unless some where along the line was partridge in the mix. Right?
or something like that - lol
Here I go getting deep and ranting on! Tends to happen when I wake up at 3am for no apparent reason
So, glad EVERYONE, lol, was happy! Mike was like, "what you just gave her those chicks?", I told him, "stick to fishing and leave the chicken dealing to me" - LMAO
That is how JR and I are. Unless it is one of his game birds, he really does not ever say much. We had a family show up to look at ducks once, the little girl wanted some of the Chocolate pied ducklings. The Dad wanted the white. When she asked for them, the Mom and Dad told her they only had enough room in the budget for the Trio they were buying. I sent them home with 6 Ducks, and 7 Buff Silkies. I actually think I give more chickens away then I sell.

I would have loved to keep more of the buff brahmas for a starter flock but you saw how my pens are rather specific (other than the laying hens). You can bet I won't give up trying and I usually get my way eventually with a little
- lol.
Lets see.... what get's to Mr. Gable? Food, sweet talking, guns, no chores during hunting season. Plus he knows that if I am not happy, he will eventually not be either.

Glad "Big Mac"
has an official name now and I know he's in good hands and will be loved & cared for.
He thinks he is a big guy. He crows each time my Buff Orpington does. Plus when the geese came over to check him out and voice their opinon about him, he decided they were minons of evil that needed to be destroyed. I am not sure he likes Shelby carrying him around and doing baby talk to him. Not very manly yanno, and his women are watching.

The two Amercauna girls layed me each an egg the next day. They (the eggs) are so very close in color to my other two but I think I held back at least two for hatching. I wish I could tell the difference so I could hold more. Ummm, what if I put them in with the lf cochins? I could at least tell the difference, but if Blue Man gets to them, how long would I know the eggs would stll only be fertilized by the roo you had them with?
They should be good until the 16th. They can hold sperm for up to 10 days. "Fatty" was with him too, any you hatch from her would give you olive colored eggs. Since cochins produce cream or white colored eggs, you would still get blue or light green eggs from that cross. If you get ready for a AM roo, let me know. I am sure I have at least one growing out in one of these brooders.

Oh and thanks (I think - lol) for the genetics reading material. Being slightly OCD in these types of things, it really has me over thinking and slightly overwhlemed about all this "correct" breeding practices etc. BUT I do want to be as a "responsible" breeder as possible eventually. BUT I'm sure I'm not the first newbie that is just excited right now to see what offspring I get from what I have right now. As far as all this "responsible" breeding thing goes (and I hope our thread here never gets into the ugliness about this issue), I totally see the point, BUT another part of it I feel is also being honest on the part of the breeder to not mis-represent and/or be up front about admitting you may not know exactly the linage etc etc. etc. yadda yada yadda.

Speaking of, see I've already learned something: I wasn't completely wrong about the lemon-blue BUT I learned that a blue X buff has the potential of getting you offspring that will be mixed BUT it would be considered a "false" lemon-blue and not true to the genetics of a "true" lemon-blue unless some where along the line was partridge in the mix. Right?
or something like that - lol
Your welcome!
I often get mad b/c some breeders will discourage exploration into "What happens when you breed this to this?!?". How do you think all these new colors where born? Plus sometimes to understand something fully, you have to play with it. There are alot of cochins in the world. You wouldn't kill the cochin breed by playing around with your flock. Besides... they belong to you! Have fun with them!
Your learning fast! See, you will be talking the crazy chicken breeder talk in no time!

Here I go getting deep and ranting on! Tends to happen when I wake up at 3am for no apparent reason

I love it when I do that...(sarcasum) Drives me crazy. Or I wake up at 2am and am so thirsty I guzzle a bottle of water, and then am back up an hour later....

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