Chick badly injured


5 Years
Nov 18, 2014
I have a 2 month RIR chick that I noticed is very badly injured today. I sit with them daily look them over for stuff like this but the others got her very bad. I'm thinking they possibly pulled a blood feather on her butt and all went after her once she started bleeding. I found her in the cage laying on the bottom not as feisty as the others and she was bleeding from her butt. I removed her and rinsed her off to see how bad it was and put her in a cage with food and water. I just didn't know if I should try to help her clot to stop the bleeding or how I should treat her because of how bad she is. I did get her to eat but she just wants to lay and not move and makes such sad sounds when you move her. If any one has any advice I would really appreciate it.



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I love my hens, and for me putting one down would be a last resort. It does look pretty bad but I would try to help her. Does it effect her vent? First, since it covers a big area, I would keep her warm and quiet; some place dark would be good too as this helps to minimize stress. For the actual wound, I would clean the wound with peroxide or betadine or vetericyn spray and put some Neosporin (very important that it has no pain killers in as it is bad for chickens). I usually like to cover wounds that are this large, but can't think of any way to cover a wound this shape. I would also give her oral antibiotics if you have them and maybe some electrolytes or "rooster booster" if you have or can get them. Also make sure that you keep her eating and drinking, or you will have to tube feed her. Does she like scrambled eggs or yogurt or some other treat?
I thank you so much for answering and everything you said is what my concerns are. I pulled her in the house and I have a small dog creat for her and put her in. I cleaned her wound with peroxide and put ointment w/o pain additive. I am worried as well about how big it is I was horrified when I found her. It looks like they did get her vent a little but most of the damage is around her tail it almost looks like they tore the skin a little. Her entire back end is very red looks very sore.. I read about aspirin in water but I didn't know how much the bleeding should stop if it stops enough to give her something to make her comfortable. Thank you so much for answering me!!!
Chicks can sometimes be surprisingly resilient. I had a broody raising a chick, and found it after another hen had created a big bloody gash in its chest. The chick survived and is now my rooster.
If the chick heals well, it may be difficult keeping it separate and avoiding having it picked on again. When you have it in the house, you might put a small mirror in with her so she feels like she has company. Once the wound heals, I would put her back in with the other chicks, but separated by fencing for a while.
I hope your chick pulls through for you!
Yes birds are amazingly resilient. I would not bother about the aspirin, unless she isn't eating or things are looking worse. I will say I have seen birds with much much worse injuries and they pulled through just fine. Post another picture in a couple of days so we can see how she's doing. And don't hesitate to ask if you have any other questions.
I am concerned I may have a agresive baby rooster on my hands or something... I noticed the hen I posted hurt very badly, then yesterday same thing different bird this time it was a male. I took a closer look and it looks like all if not most of the males have missing back feathers. I have a large enclosed inside my coop for older birds before transition into the coop. The roosters I planned to sell or cull but the rooster I found hurt yesterday almost had his tail ripped off. He had a few feathers no damage to the vent this time but how do I stop this... One other I need to watch out for today but I had to bring the boy in too so I have two hurt birds. Any advice how to find the culprit or culprits !?!
What is your enclosure in the coop made of? Is it possible the older birds are attacking the younger birds through the fence?

Or maybe you have a feather picker. If one is pulling feathers and it starts to bleed, everyone will attack. I had a hen with a feather-picking habit, and it was easy to tell who it was, because she was the only one with all her feathers.

You will need to watch closely to see who the culprit is. I've used pinless peepers on aggressive birds before, but yours are so young. I hope you can find the source of the injuries and put an end to it!
I built a rather large encloser with my fiancé



It's in the roosting room with the framing, chicken wire, door. The bottom I double layered with the chicken wire so there feet don't fall threw to help protect them. I think it has to be one of the roosters becAuse of how the other have been hurt. I am thinking I should make a small run for all my hound roos to separate them.
Just an update... Out of the two chickens that I had to isolate' one was a rooster who wasn't as badly injured as the chicken was. He is doing much better most if not all of his feathers are coming back in. But the chick... I have been cleaning her still her vent looks a little damaged... Her feathers haven't come back in and to be honest she doesn't smell very good. I have been cleaning her off getting the poop off her butt and back feathers her poop has been runny. I was cleaning her with peroxide and ointment then once she was healing she had that smell so I wAs bathing her drying her... But she still smells.. Any advice and... As much as I wouldn't want to if I have to kill her what is the most humane... I have seen cutting the neck I would hate to do it in the wrong spot. Just looking for advice.... She still eats and drinks she is just pale in the face and doesn't move as much.

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