Chick sudden death


5 Years
Jan 26, 2014
Richmond, VA
We purchased chicks from a local farm. They are approximately a month old. Last night when we did our bedtime check, we found our mottled java chick, who had appeared incredibly healthy and vigorous up until that point, Laying stretched out. She was unable to stand and was listless. Within a matter of minutes she flapped her wings suddenly, chirped once and died. We looked her over carefully and could find no evidence of injury or pasty butt. Has anyone else had this experience? We are mystified!
We purchased chicks from a local farm. They are approximately a month old. Last night when we did our bedtime check, we found our mottled java chick, who had appeared incredibly healthy and vigorous up until that point, Laying stretched out. She was unable to stand and was listless. Within a matter of minutes she flapped her wings suddenly, chirped once and died. We looked her over carefully and could find no evidence of injury or pasty butt. Has anyone else had this experience? We are mystified!
I'm sorry for your loss:hugs

There is no way to know what happened unless you have testing/necropsy. If you still have the body, refrigerate it and send it to your state lab
So sorry with your loss.
One challenge efith poultry is that often, their instinct to hide illness can cause us to view their death as sudden when illness has been working behind the curtain for any length of time.
You found her at bedtime....when you picked her up was her crop full (as it should be at roost time) or empty?
So sorry with your loss.
One challenge efith poultry is that often, their instinct to hide illness can cause us to view their death as sudden when illness has been working behind the curtain for any length of time.
You found her at bedtime....when you picked her up was her crop full (as it should be at roost time) or empty?
Umm... I’m not that experienced to even know that! I’m going to look for and keep an eye on that. Thank you!

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